7. "I am Not An Angel"

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Bang... My car stopped abruptly, my head hit steeringwheel this caused Pain sheeted through my wound with a terrible intensity, i groan, my breathing rapid, i tried to open my eyes but couldn't, as i heard knock on car's window, i started finding my gun because I wanted to to kill that basterd whose car collided with mine, i tried normal my breath, again i heard knock, every knock was like hammering on my head asking me to open the door and strangle that person down,

I leaned to the car's door tried to unlocked the door with shaking hands, my breathing became laboured, door got opened suddenly, i fell but before the road caught me someone's arms did, "oh shucks" a startled feathery voice echoed in my ears, "are you fine?" That lilting voice asked i opened my mouth to speak but my dry throat pulled my tongue back, she made me sit back on driving sit,

I leaned my head back in order to appease my breath which are coming rigid, i heard that voice mumbling something incoherent, having tried a lot i opened my eyes, as a shadow of a small frame of a woman came in front of me, but dim lights and my blury sight didn't let me see Clearly that woman, she made me sit in another car, where i tried to keep awake but slumbered into darkness, i grunted as i sensed searing pain again, my eyes got opened,

My eyes made me witness hazal brown orbs beneath long dark lashes, round thick eyebrows which had drawn together. I was able to see her half face only because she was looking something in front of her, she crinkled her broad tip nose, her features had been looking tensed, she bit her lower lip. But why this woman helping me? I squeezed my eyes again as that wound started thumping, my eyelids dropped.

I had been sitting in my study room, thinking while trying to read documents laying in front of me, someone's foot steps barged in. I looked up a questioning frown creased upon my forehead.

"it's been a day since we arrived from Albany what's cooking in your head?" Dennis asked along with doubleful countenance.

"Dom has been working on tracing Jasper, he may be far from my reach but I'm more than certain we will trace him soon" i replied again looking at the indentures.

"Az make me percieve why aren't you ready to tell Adira all this faesco she is in?" Dennis sent another question.

"Why is he soo worried about that girl?"

"why are you interested in me telling that naive of girl anything anyways?" i shot back without looking at him.

"well! Let's say we owe her Az." Dennis stated sternly.

"she had saved you Az... That naive of girl hadn't even known you, still succoured you so in that case she deserves to know regarding everything" Dennis retorted.

I leaned back, looked up.

"the less she know the better for her" i simply responded.

Dennis's eyebrows furrowed.

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