Chapter 3

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Azalea Garcia

As I was sat in my brothers car I thought about the boy I stumbled across in the hallways. His deep voice was replaying in my head but his words were also spinning around in my mind.

'watch where you going'. well I'm sorry Mr Grumpy pants I didn't just decide to walk into you. Oh well he might of been having a bad day.

Not long after contemplating all these thoughts, my brother had turned into our driveway and was already heading into the house.

The house has three bedrooms and all three have bathrooms in each. It was a relatively big house and had a large living room.

I went up to my room and started on my homework I got today.

I played drakes album 'views' on my Alexa and began my work. An hour later, I drew out a sigh, jumped on my bed and began watching the Jane the virgin episode I was watching last night.

I was on the episode when jane finds out Michael died (sorry if I spoiled it for you) and I was bawling my eyes out. My phone buzzed, and when I checked I realised Amelia had texted me.

I was really happy that I finally had a friend I could speak to when I needed advice,help or anything really.

Amelia: hey Azalea, just wanted to say that tomorrow at lunch meet me in the cafeteria and you can sit with me. I don't want you sitting by yourself because now you have an incredible friend a.k.a me.

Azalea: hi Amelia, I'm not sure I'm not a fan of sitting in the cafeteria,

Amelia: ok well here's the deal you sit with me and if you start to feel uncomfortable we can go and sit under the tree?

Azalea: I guess I could do that

Amelia: YAY thank youuu!!!

I smiled to myself, I was really lucky to have a friend like Amelia and it was also a plus that she was really friendly and funny.

I put down my phone when I heard my brother calling me downstairs for dinner. He had made tomato pasta with garlic bread.

After eating and washing up I went into my room, put my pyjamas on and carried on watching Netflix.

At 10:30 I turned off my tv and took a sleeping pill before trying to go to sleep.

The next morning

I was woken up once again by my blaring alarm. I got out of bed,got in the shower and got dressed. (outfit at the top).

I wore a white shirt and denim jeans with a brown cardigan over the top because it was cold today and then paired it with my white air force 1s.

I did my usual makeup, put my hair in a messy bun and sprayed some perfume and I was ready to go.

When my brother reached the school I gave him a quick hug and began my day. After homeroom, I went to my first lesson History.

I had History yesterday and the teacher was surprisingly really nice. Midway through the lesson, the door was slammed open and Mr Grumpy pants strode in.

"Can you please tell me why you are 30 minutes late to my lesson?" Mr Green shouted. Mr Grumpy pants just shrugged before saying "I felt like it".

I looked around the room and saw all the girls swooning over him and boys glaring at him I mean I'm not surprised he looks like a god. I felt the chair beside me be pulled out and a large body slumped next to me.

The smell of cigarettes and mint mixed with his cologne lingered and I knew he had sat next to me.

I shook my head and tried to continue with my work. I had done most of my work when Mr Grumpy pants spoke under his breath before nudging my shoulder. "Y-yes?" I asked confused.

"What are we supposed to do" he said in his low voice that gave me butterflies. "W-we need to w-write a s-summary of the a-assassination of F-franz Ferdinand" I replied quietly. He drew out a long sigh before trying to complete his work.

Not long after, the bell rang and Mr Grumpy pants stood from his chair to leave the class until Mr Green told us to stay behind. When the class was fully emptied he began speaking.

"So Azalea long story short you are a very intelligent student, that I can see from your old school report. And I would like to ask you if you could tutor Jax Anders seems as his grades are significantly low"

I nodded as a reply and heard the boy next to me now known as Jax mumbling things under his breath before replying with a strained yes.

I was confused as to why he seemed so annoyed. He probably wanted someone else to tutor him, someone who doesn't stutter or is such a nerd.

I was brought out of my trance when Jax told me to meet him in the parking lot after school.

I agreed to him and he walked out without saying another word. I could feel a bundle of nerves in my stomach. Oh my I was going to tutor him.

It felt strange that I was excited to tutor someone because why would tutoring be fun, but he was mysterious which instantly intrigued me.

He was like a puzzle that needs solving and I wanted to be the one to solve it. I blew out a breath and walked to my next lessons.

when the bell rang to signal to lunch I walked as slow as possible so I wouldn't have to spend as much time in the cafeteria.

unfortunately, I reached the doors quicker than I wanted to but I decided to be brave and go inside. As I stepped through the door I saw Amelia stood there, she was obviously waiting for me.

I waved at her and she skipped over happily. "Thank you so much, I didn't think you would come" I replied with a quick no worries and then we reached a table with a boy sat there.

He was about 6'0 and had blonde curly hair and green eyes. Only then did I realise this was Amelia's brother.

I greeted him and I thought he was going to be really rude but he was really nice and funny just like his sister. We spoke for a while about random things and I realised it wasn't so bad in here.

All of a sudden, Ryder stood up and looked like he was gonna greet someone when I turned around I saw him hugging someone only when I saw his face did I realise it was of course Jax Anders.

Throughout the lunch, he barely spoke a word and every time I spoke he glared at me which instantly made me be quiet. This was going to be a long lunch.

🍿well there's chapter three I hope you liked it. I'm thinking of doing the next chapter in jax's POV. Thanks for reading😀😀

Word count:1163

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