Chapter 5

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Azalea Garcia

I was so glad when the bell rang for the end of school. That was until I remembered that I would be meeting Jax after school for our first tutoring session.

I couldn't help but feel nervous, I know for a fact he doesn't speak much so how am I supposed to tutor him when he replies with mean remarks or a scowl.

I walked through the busy hallways with my head down trying to make myself invisible. Just my luck I hit into someone.

I take my eyes of the floor and in front of me stood a slim girl with bleach blonde hair and blue eyes. I would consider her pretty apart from her face was caked with makeup, her boobs looked like they would burst out of her tube top any second now, and her skirt was more like a belt.

"Watch where your going you nerd!" She shouted at me with venom laced in her high pitched voice.

I muttered a small sorry and made my way outside. And there he was in all his glory smoking a cigarette whilst leaning against a brick wall.

I walked over to him and he must of seen me because he threw his cigarette on the ground and mumbled under his breath. Before I can ask about where we will be studying he beats me to it.

"You can tutor me at my house". I just gave him a slight nod and then we walked to where his car was parked.

"Wow" was all I could say his car was beautiful. He grunted at me and said "ye it's a-"

"D-doge hellcat, it's t-top speed is 203 MPH a-and h-has a h-horsepower of 717, it c-can get t-to 60MPH in 3.4 S-seconds, w-wow you have a-a really c-cool car" I said cutting him off and slightly out of breath.

He stood there stunned by my knowledge for this car. "How do you know all that" he asked in utter shock. "Me a-and my b-brother love c-cars so I know a l-lot about them and I u-used to w-work in a-a garage a-as well"

He stood with a impressed expression on his face before nodding his head and telling me to get in.

The whole ride to his house I was basically bouncing in my seat from the excitement of sitting in such a cool car.

I even took small glances at him and I could see a little smile make its way on his face but every time he noticed me looking he put on a scowl.

When we reached his house I realised that he lived on the same street as mine, I was surprised at myself that I haven't noticed seems as I was usually pretty observant.

"What's got you so surprised?" I heard him say. I blushed a little knowing my mouth was formed in an 'o'. "Umm I j-just realised I-I live on t-the same s-street as you" I said. He raised his eyebrows before telling me to go inside.

The inside of his house was well decorated. His living room had leather couches with a glass coffee table and a massive flat-screen tv.

His kitchen was marble with a large island in the middle, overall it was very modern looking. He took me into his room and I didn't expect his room to be so tidy.

He had a king size bed with a tv on the wall along with an Xbox. He had a large closet, and even a desk in the corner of his room. His walls were painted grey and he had a big window that took him to a little balcony.

"I'm taking it's not what you were expecting, huh princess?" He replied with a smirk. I instantly felt blush creep up my neck with embarrassment and the fact he had just called me princess.

He let out a chuckle probably finding my blush funny before straightening his features to cold once again. Jeez Louise he must have really bad mood swings or something.

I sat on the end of his bed whilst he was getting his books ready and that's when I noticed a guitar in the corner of his room.

I went over to it and picked it up. His head turned to where I was stood. "Y-you play the g-guitar?" I asked him. "Sometimes, I haven't played it for a while" he replied whilst shrugging his shoulders.

"C-can you p-play it now?" I asked quietly. "Thought you were here to teach me something not ask me to serenade you princess" he said with smirk.

Once again an all too familiar blush burned my cheeks. I put the guitar down and we got to work. The majority of the time we studied, it was absolute silence but not the awkward silence just a comfortable silence.

Then all of a sudden my phone buzzed. I looked at the name and my brother was calling me. I answered.

*Phone call between them both*

Aster: Azalea where the hell are you why haven't you been answering my texts!?

Azalea: I'm sorry bubs I forgot to tell you I was tutoring someone today.

Aster: god azzy your gonna be the death of me. Do you need picking up?

Azalea: stop worrying bubs I'm fine and no I can just walk you don't need to pick me up

Aster: ok I'll see you soon love you

Azalea: love you too

*phone call finished*

I slipped my phone back in my pocket and looked at Jax to tell him I was gonna leave. When I looked at him I saw his jaw was clenched and the pen in his hand was in a death grip.

"I'm g-gonna go now I'll see y-you on Friday?" I asked. He grunted before saying " Can't do Friday". I looked at him confused.  "Well c-can I h-have your number S-so you c-can t-text me when your f-free"

He nodded his head before jotting down his number on a piece of paper, his jaw still clenched and the grip of his pen was tight.

I was confused, had I done something to annoy him. He stuffed the piece of paper in my hand and then told me to leave.

I felt a little pang of hurt because I thought I was getting somewhere with him put he just turned back to his cold self.

I sighed before making my way out the front door and that's when I bumped into a woman in about her early 40s holding some grocery bags and a little girl by her side.

"Hello dear may I ask who you are?" She asked kindly. "O-oh yes my n-name is Azalea and I-i am tutoring your S-son so I w-was here to h-help him" I replied. She nodded her head before giving me a warm smile.

"My names Nicole and I really appreciate you tutoring my son he is behind a lot in school recently so I'm really glad he has a smart girl like you too help him" she said in a kind voice.

"Oh I-it's really n-no problem, I b-better go my b-brothers expecting me home" I said. She nodded her head in understanding before a little figure ran into me. " Hello my names Jasmine, you are really pretty" she said in her cute voice.

"Hello J-jasmine I'm Azalea a-and I think you're r-really pretty t-too" she giggled before running off.

I smiled and made my way outside after saying my goodbyes and I walked home. When I got home I had some food and went to bed dreaming about the interesting day I had had. I had met the bad boys family!

🍿chapter 5. thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed 😁😁

Word count:1335

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