Chapter 19

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Azalea Garcia

After a long week, it was finally Friday thankfully and I could now catch up with Netflix and start binging another show.

*insert evil laugh*

I scrolled through the shows and decided on Dawson's creek which Amelia recommended to me.

A large tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream in my lap, and a bottle of Fanta by my side.

ahhh this is the life!

After embarrassing myself at work on Tuesday. I was finally glad it was the weekend.

I went to work on Thursday as well and thankfully I didn't trip over that stupid tool box again otherwise I might as well just dig myself a grave from embarrassment.

I don't even know how I managed that.

I asked Jamie if I could have tomorrow off even though I wasn't inclined to work on Saturdays anyway.

A knock sounded out, making my attention turn from the tv. I walk to the front door and see my brother.

I give him a hug and a bright smile which he returns. I was really looking forward to this weekend because I haven't spent time with my brother in a while.

"H-how was work?" I ask making my way back into the living room. I hear the fridge door opening and closing before Aster reappears in the living room doorway with a can of coke in his hand.

"Same as usual" he shrugged and opens his can. Aster never drinks alcohol in the house because of the bad memories it gives me.

I'm thankful for that but still I feel guilty that after a hard days work he can't even enjoy a beer without me basically having a panic attack.

It's not because I don't trust my brother with alcohol it's just because of my past. I snuggled closer into the blanket and picked up my ice cream again, placing it in my lap.

"What mo-movie do you want to w-watch?" I ask Aster. "I don't mind azzy whatever you want" he replies.

I huffed. I hate having to choose because I literally can never make my mind up.

I was literally in an aisle for 10 minutes in the store once because I didn't know which flavour doritos I wanted.

After a long and hard scroll through the movies, I decided to settle on 50 First Dates and I heard Aster whine next to me about how he's too manly to watch a film like this.

Well maybe you should of chose then shouldn't you?

I pressed play and settled back, far into the sofa. I could still hear Aster mumbling under his breath so I did what any normal person would do.

Hit him round the head with my spoon.


An hour or so later, the movie was finished and I smiled to myself. I had watched that film many times but it still made me smile every time I watched it.

To know that Henry tried so hard to woo Lucy every day even though she wouldn't remember because he loved her so much makes me happy.

But it also makes me sad knowing that those types of things never happen in real life and that I will probably never find true love. Oh well.

I clean up my rubbish and pick up my blanket and give my brother a hug goodnight. I climb into my bed and move my legs around in the cool sheets.

My phone vibrates making me pick it up to see who is texting me at this hour. When I read the name, my heart begins to beat faster.

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