Chapter 3

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She's beautiful. Still.

I know it's only been three years, but she looks more beautiful now then she did in high school. I didn't think that was possible.

I honestly hadn't thought of her in months.

Possibly around the time Isabelle and I hooked up in a club.

I knew Isabelle and Adelyn were friends in high school, but Adelyn was suppose to be moving to New York. I actually wanted to ask Isabelle about her, but I was unsure if Adelyn had told Isabelle about her past yet.

"Ethan." Isabelle breathes out.

I look over the top of my menu to look at her.

"Sorry." I say.

"What's up with you?" She frowns. "You haven't been yourself. Is something going on?"

I shake my head. "Isabelle, everything's fine." I place my hand on top of hers and squeeze it slightly.

She nods believing me. "What are you going to order?"

I look back down at my menu. "The steak I think."

Isabelle nods and calls the waiter back over.


I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling. I can help but let my mind drift to the memories of us.

3.5 years ago, random high school party.

I watch on as Adelyn dances around with some guy. He didn't look familiar to me, which made me naturally keep an eye on him. Although, any guy Adelyn is around I keep an eye on.

She keeps looking at me. Every couple of seconds. Is she trying to make me jealous? It's working. All she'd have to do is look at a guy that isn't me and bam, i'd be jealous. She knows it too. So why is she working so hard to make me jealous?

Unless she really wants to be with this guy? No. She can't go from a guy like me to a guy like that.

"Why do you keep making eye contact with Daniels while she's grinding on some dude?" Will, my friend asks.

I shrug in response.

"If you want to kiss her, just go and kiss her." Will says as if it's so simple.

I groan getting annoyed. "It's not that simple, Will."

"But isn't it? Just walk over there, push that dude off and kiss her." Will sighs.

I shake my head. "You have no idea."

I look back towards Adelyn. She's facing the guy now, she looks to be trying to walk away but he's holding her wrist and keeps pulling her back.

My blood starts to boil.

"Calm yourself." Will warns.

I nod but suddenly I'm almost sprinting towards that guy.

No one really notices as I punch this dude square in the jaw.

"Ethan." Adelyn says barely above a whisper.

"She said let her go." I basically spit on the dude that now lays on the ground.

"Get out of here." Will sighs.

I nod and start walking away, I make brief eye contact with Adelyn as I brush past her. Surprisingly, she's not as mad as I thought she'd be.

"Adelyn, what happened?" Isabelle rushes over to her friend.

I push open the door of the house. I walk a couple metres down from the house and sit on the curb. I try wiping the blood on my knuckles off, unfortunately it doesn't budge.

"Ethan!" Adelyn exclaims rushing down the path.

I groan standing up.

"I'm sorry." I sigh.

Before I can realise what's happening her lips are on mine. I immediately kiss back but just as quickly as they appeared, her lips are gone.

She takes my hand in hers examining it.

"Why'd you do that?" Adelyn groans.

"He wouldn't let you go." I shrug.

"You know I'm not some damsel in distress. I can actually fight my own battles." She says annoyed.

I raise my eyebrows. "You're actually mad at me for saving you?"

"Saving me? I wasn't drowning, Ethan."

I roll my eyes. "What was that kiss about if you're so mad?"

She groans. "I haven't talked to you all night, and you're wearing those pants I love so much."

I chuckle.

"Don't try and be sly, I know you did that on purpose." Adelyn says.

"So what if I did?" I breathe out moving closer.

She rolls her eyes. "Come on, you have a broken knuckle." Adelyn groans. "Again." She adds.

Before she can walk away, I spin her around pulling her back into my lips. Her arms instinctively wrap around my neck.

Present Day

I shiver just remembering how rough and toxic we were. One minute I'd literally hate her, the next my tongue would be down her throat. Then I'd care for her so much, the next she'd be doing something I'd soon hate her for.

-but trust me, I was so much worse than her.

I probably broke her heart a hundred times.

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