Chapter 24

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I check the time on my phone as I walk into the hotel, 1.38 am. I immediately slip out of my heels, picking them up I walk further into the lobby.

I spot someone asleep on the sofa, when I look over- I notice it's Ethan.

I walk over and nudge him slightly.

"Ethan." I whisper.

He doesn't move. I tuck his hair out of his face. "Ethan." I whisper again and he stirs a little before opening his eyes.

"Hi." I whisper when he sits up. "How long have you been here?"

"I was waiting for you." He says with a sleepy voice.

"Oh." I say and sit down on the small table in front of the sofa. "I wanted you to know, I didn't tell her. She figured it out." Ethan explains.

I nod. "I wouldn't have cared if you had have told her. She needed to know."

Ethan nods and a small smile appears on his face.

"Did you mean what you said?" I ask tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Yes." He says softly after a few seconds.

I can't help but let myself smile. "Really?"

Ethan nods.

"I-I." I stop.

"Ads. It's ok." Ethan say softly reaching out and squeezing my hand.

"Ethan." I say softly looking down at my hand. "We can't." I say softly. I look up and into his eyes. I can see the pain. "Just not yet." I say softly.

"I agree." He nods.

"I need to figure a few things out. With my life and with myself. I need to be happy alone before we can't do anything else." I say softly. "But if you don't want to-"

"Adelyn. I'm all in."


Six days later.

Six ridiculously long days, that is.

I haven't seen him for six days.

All I can do is think about him! But I just don't know if it's time yet. I don't want us to rush things and end up with the same ending as last time.

I haven't spoken to Isabelle since the wedding, I haven't seen her either. I've completely moved out of the apartment, I have my things in storage and I'm staying with Caitlyn actually.

I ran into her the other day at the supermarket, we got lunch together and caught up. She lives in Florida but she's renting an apartment for a month in LA.

It feels like I'm really getting my life in order.

Yeah, I cry in the shower almost every night- but I feel like that's normal after you loose a relationship with your lifelong best friend.

"Hey Ad, I'm going out with a few friends- do you want to come?" Caitlyn asks walking into the room I'm staying in.

"I have a few things to do, but thanks." I reply with a small smile. Caitlyn nods. "Well text me if you need me."

"Thanks." I reply before she leaves.

I change out of my sweats and into a pair of jeans and a cropped shirt. I put on my shoes and grab my things before leaving.

After the short drive, I park my car and get out. I walk into the building and to the reception.

"Adelyn Daniels." I tell the receptionist.

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