The Knight

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Sky stood in a large garden at the castle, sitting at the edge of a pretty stone fountain. She was now 18 years old. She brushed some of the dirt off her flowing dark green dress and brushed her light blue hair with some pretty dark blue tips off her shoulders. She looked at the pretty black and white roses near the large overgrown oak tree, she walks along the cobblestone path and sits under the tree, and makes a flower crown out of the roses humming a song. A woman walks past with her long silvery grey hair with a black cross-like pattern in her hair and her silky blood red dress blowing in the breeze. Her two silver anklets with two skull crystals on them shine in the sun, contrasting against her blood-red heels. She stops and looks at Sky with her icy cold blue eyes and glares at her. Sky looks up at her. "Oh hello Moonlight, it's wonderful to see you out of the study for once" Sky commented in a passive-aggressive tone.

"Fix your tone. And since i'm going to be the next queen I have to study so I can have a perfect reign, it's better than sitting down and making flower crowns all day!" said Moonlight. Her voice was cold and cruel, some would even say heartless.

"Well, I don't have to study much since if you're going to have such a perfect reign I actually have the luxury to sit here and make flower crowns while you study about how to rule for both a king and a queen since I highly doubt your gonna find any form of love with that attitude, arranged or not." Sky said, smiling. "Plus even if I tried to compete, you'll just kill me like how you did with Ember and Sunset. Even though you weren't caught, I saw everything." Sky giggles.

Moonlight walks over to Sky. "I did nothing wrong. I only did what I had to do to get your imperfections out of the way. One wrong move and you'll be burning in hell too." Moonlight tore Sky's flower crown and goes to walk off, then Snicker walks in. He was now 11, tall with long bright blue hair in a messy bun, with a bang covering his right eye. His bright green eyes were even more piercing, and he had a strong muscular build which contrasted against his shortness. The upside-down spade mark he had on both his cheeks was still there. He wore a over-size black hoodie with a cracking skull with a snake on the back of it, ripped black jeans, and black high tops. He grabs Moonlight by her hand and Moonlight turns to look at him, Snicker did NOT look happy with Moonlight.

"Oh, it's the crystal-less freak. What are you gonna do, stand up for your little friend? What a joke. Are you gonna use your mute powers to make me say sorry?" Moonlight said, sniggering. Snicker pulls out a black curved dagger and points it at Moonlight's neck. "Oh so scary, what am I ever going to do?" Moonlight said sarcastically. Snicker puts Moonlight in a headlock, messed up her hair, and holds his dagger right at one of Moonlights crystals.

"Snicker don't kill her?!" Sky uttered.

"EEEEK?! I'M SORRY I'M SORRY PLEASE DON'T KILL ME PLEASE DON"T KILL MEEEEE?!" Moonlight said as she panicked. Snicker lets Moonlight go and she runs off quickly as she fixed her hair. Snicker reads something in a spell book really quietly to himself so you couldn't hear his voice, and the flower crown that Moonlight broke was slowly repairing itself, Snicker teleports the spell book away and looks at Sky.

"Oh I'm okay, don't worry about me" Sky giggled. Snicker gave Sky a look, a look that practically screamed 'stop lying to me I know somethings wrong, so just tell me already.'

"Okay okay, i'm not fine. I'm not fine at all! How do you know me so well?" she asked. Snicker shrugs and sits next to Sky, he looks like he's willing to listen. "Are you sure your willing to listen?" Snicker nodded "Are you sure your not just going to listen because you want a flower crown too?" Snicker nods "Okay let me guess you want a cookie instead?" Snicker nods and Sky giggles. "I promise I'll give you one later okay?" Snicker nods happily and his dog tail and ears became visible and his tail wags, making Sky giggle more.

"Okay then, it's um... I have a crush on someone..." whispered Sky. Snicker rolls his eyes and was about to get up then Sky makes him sit back down by pulling on his tail. "Hey! You said you'd listen!" Snicker rolls his eyes again "Oh I listen to you- oh... i mean I read your note when you need to talk about stuff! So just listen to me, please?" Snicker sits down, stays down, and looks at Sky, ready to listen again. "Okay good... so there's this new knight" Snicker goes to get up and Sky sits Snicker down, puts a collar on him, attached the leash to the collar, and pulls him down so he sits. "And he's no ordinary knight, he recently came here with his brother. They go by the code names Agent Infinite and Agent Zero, and I think I may have a small crush on Agent Infinite if I'm being honest. I mean he's so mysterious and he just appeared right when I got my rose quartz (for those who don't know rose quartz is rumored to help bring love, in the fiction world and real life, it explains why you don't have a date) so it must be destiny right?" Snicker rolls his eyes again. "Oh come on if you can get a girlfriend who likes you I can get a boyfriend who likes me!"

A taller man walked into the garden, he looked a little lost, his flowing dark grey cloak blew in the wind along with his curly blonde hair that showed under his hood, his dark pink bandana with an infinite symbol painted on roughly was tied around his mouth to hide his identity along with the black bandage that wrapped around his right eye and mouth, only revealing his shining teal eyes. His dark pink hoodie with a bunny head with X's over its eyes had some childlike charm to it, which contrasted against his muddy ripped dark blue jeans and dark pink boots with a dark purple stripe on the backs of them. He was looking at a map in one hand and holding the hood of his cloak on his head so it doesn't get blown away in the other hand.

"Oh gosh its him, he's here?! Don't you go using your voice now of all times to tell?!" Sky whispered to Snicker panicking. "I can't believe Agent Infinite had to come now of all times!" (For simplicity i'm probably going to either call him Infinite or just the Agent.) Snicker waves his hands in the air and then whistles, getting Infinite's attention. He walked over to Snicker.

"Oh hello Snick, hello your highness," Infinite said as he bows, his voice was really deep which contrasted against his stick like (yet muscular) figure.

"H-hello Infinite" Sky managed to say, although it was very nervous. Snicker and Infinite fist bump and do a secret handshake, first they fist-bumped, then they bumped elbows, then they playfully kick each other, then they high five, and THEN they do the handshake.

"I'm not interrupting...whatever this is am I?" Infinite said as he looked at the collar and leash still on Snicker and the leash in Sky's hand.

"Oh no no no you not I was just talking to him about something and I did that so he didn't run away, since I know he wouldn't want to hear about the 15th time I got lost in the library!" Sky nervously and quickly replied, then nervously laughed.

"I get lost a lot too, I'm sure Snicker is sick and tired of hearing about how many times I wandered into the dungeon while looking for the bathroom" Infinite says, and Snicker nods in agreement.

"Yeah, this place is huge, but don't worry, its only your first week. It takes most knights months to learn the layout of this place!" Sky nervously commented. Snicker looks at Infinite wondering if he came here for a reason. Infinite seen this.

"Oh yeah I forgot, Snicker you wanna come with me to train, remember you promised to show me your weapon." Infinite remarked. Snicker nodded happily. "Okay then, as long as the princess is okay with me taking her friend then I'm okay with it-" Snicker rolls his eyes, waves goodbye to Sky, and drags Agent Infinite into the depths of the large castle.

End Of Chapter 1

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