The Tree

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Sky woke up, she sits up and gasps for air. She tries to calm down but her attempts failed. She sat on a branch in a cherry blossom tree, the large tree she sat in was on top of a hill, surrounding her was a large forest of cherry blossom trees. A man sat below the branch and looks up at Sky nervously. His crimson eyes sparkle along with his black hair with some red streaks in it. He wore a black leather jacket with some red stripes on the sleeves, with a red v-neck t-shirt, black jeans, and strange red boots. He climbs up to Sky, and Sky nervously kicks the threatening man away from her and leaps down. 

"W-WHERES GOTH?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" She screamed. The man looks confused and concerned. "D-DON'T GIVE ME THAT LOOK?! TALK OR I'LL MAKE YOU TALK?!" 

"I don't know who this Goth is bro, calm down... take it easy and chill out..." He says slowly stepping back. 

"No... you CHILL?! ICE BLAST?!" Sky holds her hand up in the direction of the man and a beam of ice blasts out from her palm hitting the man and freezing him up to his neck. 

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" he screams. Sky smirks and goes in his face. 

"Tell me where Goth is now or your gonna be a mewman popsicle?!" Sky comments. 

"M-Mew what now?" 

"Mewman? How can you live in Morana and not know the term Mewman?" 

"We're not in Morana? What even is that place? This is Japan, you know, on the planet Earth?" 


"Yes, Earth. Where else is there?" 

"Wait how did I get on Earth?!" Sky panicked, then she looks at the broken heart crystals on her wrists and heart crystal on her waist. "A-and when did I get these?"

"You had those the whole time you were in that tree?"

"No, I didn't?! I would have remembered that?!"

"Well I saw you, those rocks were always there"

"Then explain why I don't remember that or myself?! Did you cast a spell on me?!" 

"Wait you don't remember yourself?" He asked nervously.

"No. All I know is the names Morana and the name Goth" 

"Not even your name?!" He looks at her like he was about to freak out. Sky looks at him confused (Still dressed as Agent Infinite, so the man saw some type of girl dressed like she was about to go to a convention with memory loss) "Wait check your pockets, you have to have an ID somewhere?!" 

Sky sat down and checked her pockets, inside was a pack of blood-flavored gum labeled 'For calming down rogue vampires BLOOD FLAVORED SNICKER DO NOT EAT', a picture of a (very adorable) manticore lying asleep in a tree, and a lollipop.  Sky happily sucked on the lollipop. 

"Damn... nothing helpful- wait, is that a manticore?! Did you get that close to a MANTICORE?" he commented amazed.

"Um...oh yeah I remember! That's actually one of my friends! He-well now it is a she- can turn into a manticore, after a battle she got super tired and fell asleep in a tree. It was so cute I had to take a picture of it!" Sky giggled. "She just called me Infinite instead of Agent Infinite though, which most seen as disrespectful, but I saw it as her having the confidence to say that to my face!"

"So your name is Agent Infinite?"

"Yup! My name is Agent Infinite, the soldier of Northern Morana! Protector of all and lover of lollipops!" 

"Oh I see-" he got interrupted by a loud explosion in the background.

"An explosion?! Sorry sir but I got to go, duty calls! See ya!" And she runs off towards the sound of the explosion really quickly.

"Wait?! That part of town is dangerous- Ugh she can't hear me.... rocket boots go" he flips a switch on his boots and the soles of his shoes turn into metal with three small rockets on the bottom of the sole. When they turn on he carefully glides partially in the air and glides after Sky. 

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