The Lovers

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Infinite sighs and sits on the bench on the side of the training grounds, Snicker picks up there weapons and carries them as he walks over and sits next to Infinite. "You really wanna know that?" Infinite mumbles. Snicker nods really quickly and happily, then looks at Infinite. Agent Infinite moves away from Snicker but Snicker moves uncomfortably close to Infinite's face and made his cheeks look really really chubby and adorable, Agent Infinite leans back and Snicker leans forward so he was in Infinite's face once again.

"Okay i'll tell you my crush if you tell me yours, and get out of my face?!" Infinite said. Snicker sat down and a portal opens in the center of the training grounds. Snicker looks at the portal, sort of confused, Snicker smiles slightly when he smelled the scent of strawberries coming from inside the portal. Infinite also looks at the portal as he pushes Snicker off him, making Snicker fall hard to the ground. A small, short girl with medium length straight brown hair with light pink tips at the end of her hair and bangs steps out of the portal. Her big bright blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight. She wore a cute pink t-shirt with a heart on it, light blue jeans, and light pink boots. Snicker seen her and his dog tail and dog ears show, and his tail wags a lot. Infinite looks at Snicker.

"Okay i'll tell you later, no need to answer the question, I already know the answer." Agent Infinite commented quietly.

The girl looks at Snicker "Aw, someones happy to see me!" she said as she walks over to Snicker, now Snickers tail wags faster. "I'm glad my little teddy bear wants to see me"

"Wait... teddy bear?" Agent Infinite mumbles.

"Yes he's my cute quiet little teddy bear!" she said as she hugs Snicker, his tail wags more and he hugs back. "So don't get any ideas! He's mine and he loves me! Right teddy?" She looks at Snicker and Snicker blushes and nods really quickly.

"I'm not going to steal him. I'm straight and I'm 23 years old?!" he said as he shakes his head.

"That's what they all say"

"If 23 year old men are after your boyfriend than there is a huge problem there. How did you even get here anyway, aren't you from Earth how did you travel through realms to get here?!"

The girl pulls out some type of black dagger from her pocket and hands it to Snicker. "My little teddy forgot his dimensional blade at my house, so I came to give it back. He's so forgetful sometimes." she giggles and hands Snicker the dimensional blade, he puts it in his pocket and kissed the girl for 2 seconds. "Aw your welcome baby" she said. They hug a little more and Infinite, being single and lonely, started to get a little uncomfortable.

"Okay Snicker who is this and does Teresa actually let this happen?" Agent Infinite pronounced.

"My name is Pink. And we don't care if Teresa lets this happen love is love! And no one can stop our love!" Pink said with pride. Snicker nods in agreement.

"Okay I guess I'll go tell her." he said as he stands up and grabs his sword.

"Go oh ahead! No one can tear us apart!" Pink said proudly. Snicker shakes his head no and grabs the end on Infinite's cloak and tugs on it rapidly. Agent Infinite tugs himself free and walks towards the castle gates and out into the village. He follows a small path into the woods to go find Teresa. That damn tattletale.

End of Chapter 3

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