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Amber's pov:

"D-Damien I need to go!" I giggle, trying to push him away, but he only whines and pulls my body closer to his.

"No-... why does your dad want you back so early! It's only been a couple hours." He cutely argues, rubbing his nose against my cheek.

"You know I don't want to leave, but my dad doesn't like me staying out late on school nights, it's always been one of his rules." I face towards him, cupping his cheeks in my hands, causing a rosy blush to form on his flustered face.

"B-but we are boyfriend a-and girlfriend now, we need to spend more time together." He pouts, giving me puppy eyes, and I would be lying if I said I almost didn't cave in.

Hint... almost.

Darn you Damien with your cute little puppy eyes.

If it wasn't for the sake of getting grounded, I definitely would have stayed.

"We will see each other tomorrow morning though, bright and early." I move his soft bangs from his forehead before giving the area a small peck.

"Pinky promise?" He holds up his pinky in front of me, waiting for me to interlock it in his.

"I pinky promise." I say back, interlocking mine with his.

I stand up from the swing while stretching my arms out, letting out a yawn.

We've been sitting on the swing for the past hour talking about random little things after we...

You know...

Kinda-... Uhm...

Made out.

I look away from Damien as I feel a blush start to creep it's away onto my cheeks at the sheer of us kissing.

Yes I know it already happened, but my brain has not processed that information yet, I am about ninety-nine percent sure it will hit me at 3am.

Which makes it a later problem.

"I'll walk you out." Damien follows behind me as we walk back through his house to get to the front door.

I give a small wave to Damien's mom who was on the phone in the living room, and she waves back before mouthing a "goodbye."

"Thank you for having me over by the way." I turn towards Damien once I have my shoes on. He was standing there with his hands in his pockets, watching me as I got ready to leave.

"If anyone should be thankful it should be me. Thank you for coming over and making me feel better after all that happened." He rubs the back of his neck shyly while looking at me.

"It was really no problem at all, I had a lot of fun. I just can't believe we are now-..." I shyly look away.

It still feels like I am caught up in a dream!!




The guy who I have been crushing on for years confessed to ME.

To ME!!!!!!


Not once...


"I-I just still can't believe you feel the same way. When I confessed I-I thought you would have frienzoned me. I kinda just crossed my fingers and hoped for the best." He giggles to himself, swaying back and forth on the heel of his foot.

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