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Damien's pov:




Looking into the bathroom mirror in the boys locker room, the first thing I noticed was the tint of red on my cheeks.

I really hope Amber didn't notice how flustered I was when her dad interrupted our...

...maybe kiss?

I don't know!!!!!!!!

I have no idea what came over me in that moment. I guess you can say my mind went blank and my body just took over by itself.

But that wouldn't make sense... right?

I've never felt this way towards any girl before...

Not like...

I uhm...

You know...

I even talk to any girls besides the ones in my friend group in the first place.

Which in a way I guess is quite pathetic... but in MY DEFENSE that goes the same with Jake, Zander, and Ashton.

Although Zander is gay...

And Ashton just doesn't like people in general...

And Jake...

Well Jake is just Jake.

But that is besides the point!!!

I just really hope that things won't be awkward between Amber and I.

I really like where we are right now as friends, so I am just praying that my stupid butt didn't mess things up.

Because Amber is someone who has came to be someone really special to me.

I've found it really easy to open up to her and talk about things that I haven't been able to get off my chest in a while.

And no matter what it is, somehow, she always has the right words to say.

This may or may not surprise you, but I've always been like this. Since the earliest I could remember, I've always had trouble trusting and getting to know people.

Although I wish there was a better word to describe me, the closest word that I can think of would have to be introverted.

Very... VERY introverted.

One thing that made it especially hard to open up to people was my sister.

Not a lot of people know about her condition, or the fact that I even have a sister to begin with.

And it's not like I'm embarrassed of her, if anything, I'm quite proud that I get to call her my little sister. She is one of strongest people I have ever met.

Even though I am the older brother, there are many times where I actually find myself looking up to her, wishing that I could be as strong as her.

So it's not that I don't tell people for that reason...

But if word gets around, I fear that people may start to pity me, or try and bring it up in a conversation at school.

I guess I'm afraid of having a constant reminder that my sister is suffering alone in that hospital room every single day, and that there is nothing that I can do about it.

There are only four people who know about my sister, and they are Ashton, Julie, Zander, and Amber.

It's not that I don't trust the others, I honestly trust them more than anything!

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