We Are Friends

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Amber's pov:

I watch as my dad blows his whistle at all the boys, meaning that practice is over. All the boys gather around to talk about the next match before they are dismissed.

I stand up and stretch as I look over at Julie who was yawning while doing the same.

"I'm going to need a coffee to make it through the rest of the day." She mutters tiredly while I nod my head, agreeing with her.

"I'm just excited to finally get some food. I feel like I haven't eaten in days, even though it's been only a few hours."

"I don't think this cafe is going to be ready for eight hungry teenagers. I would say especially the boys, but at this point I think I'm the one they should be nervous about." Julie says cheekily, rubbing her stomach.

I laugh at her words, but knowing me, I think that might just be the case for me as well.

"Were the ratings online for the cafe good when you checked?" I asked.

She nods her head, "Yeah, but I never really trust some ratings, I feel like places make their own ratings to be better."

"I thought I was the only one who thought that!! Sometimes I look at the username that commented it to see if there is any indication that it is actually a fake from the company."

"I do too!!! Ashton always judges me for it, but I KNOW there has to be places that do it. I can just feel it."

"I agree, but this cafe just opened up, so there couldn't even have been a lot of ratings so far, unless..."

"Unless..." she also draws out, before we both break out into a fit of giggles.

I look back at the boys to see them now all being dismissed, which means it must have not been that much of a group meeting because it was so short.

"I knew that they would be all sweaty, even after the shortened practice." I hear Ella mutter from beside me as she points at our three boys and then at the shower room before they could even think about coming near us.

I couldn't help but laugh at her gesture, but even more at Gianna's words that followed after.

"Y'all better be quick, DON'T make me come in there!!! Five minutes max!!!" Gianna calls after them before we had the chance to stop her, earning a few judgmental and a few confused looks from the other boys on the team.

"I don't think your boyfriend would like that very much." Ella snickers, but Gianna just shoots her a playful glare.

"I mean, he never minds when I walk in on him."



"Just saying."


Like Gianna "kindly" asked...

The boys were out no longer than five minutes, choosing life over the wrath of Gianna.

But no matter what the outcome was, it was definitely the death of me...

My eyes, heart, and soul just decided to stop working when Damien stepped out with wet, messy hair, water droplets falling down his neck and onto his shirt, which clung to his body and showcased his abs that were hidden underneath.

I mean, I have always assumed that Damien would have abs because he is fit and all, but seeing it up close...


If you told me that Damien was a model in his last life, I would hands down believe you.

What was I in my last life?

The Chapstick GirlTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang