It's Gone

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A couple days later

Amber's pov:

"Of course not, are you crazy!" I turn towards Liam who shaking his head at me with a look of disappointment...


"Amber, you can't just keep hiding it from him, he has to know sooner or later." 

"Well I prefer later." I say, turning away towards him to continue shoving the rest of my books in my locker.

In these past couple of days, Liam has been telling me to tell my father about my relationship with Damien.

Obviously deep down I know he is right, but I just can't find it in me to bring up the conversation.

It's difficult!

How do I tell him, my over protective father, that his only child has found herself a boyfriend!

I know he has joked around and mentioned my crush on Damien before, but this is COMPLETELY different. 

There is a fine line between crush and boyfriend. 

One involves no romance, kissing, or heartbreak...

The other ones does. 

And I believe that will be the red flag in my fathers head once I tell him. 

I just know he's going to make a big deal out of it, I can just feel it in the pit of my stomach.

Even though Damien is one of my father's favorites on the team and he already has a lot of trust in him, I don't think that will stop the wrath of my father.

As much as I love him, the man is crazy.

"You are going to regret not telling him sooner." Liam says, shaking his head at me before swinging his practice bag around his shoulder. 

"I doubt it, unless you plan on telling him." I raise an eyebrow at him, only to get a laugh in response. 

"Oh heck no, I would like to come out of practice with all four of my limbs, thank you very much." He says, patting me on my shoulder as we head towards the practice room. 

Once we get there, I make myself comfortable on the bleachers to watch the boys practice.

It has become one of my favorite things to do. 

Plus, they have been practicing for an upcoming tournament, so all of the boys have been pretty determined to do well.

I just know that they got this tournament in the bag, there is no way they are going to lose this one. 

"Hello gorgeous." I turn towards Damien as he sits beside me on the bleachers with a goofy smile on his face.

"Hey you, I was wondering when you would finally get here." I giggle.

He leans back a little and sighs, "I got stuck waiting for Luke to finish lip locking with his girlfriend, and fun fact, they can hold their breaths really long." 

"As if you two are any better." Liam joins in, smirking as Damien and I look up with innocent expressions.

"Us? What ever do you mean?" I ask, dramatically putting my hand over my heart.

"You know what I mean."

"Really Liam? I am an innocent man with innocent intentions." Damien says, swinging an arm around my shoulder.

Psssssh. Yeah right.

"Oh of course, can you tell your girlfriend though that she owes me six dollars for that coverstick she made me buy to cover up her-..."

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