Chapter 7

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"She's shifting."

The first thing I heard when I enter Amber's room.

"We need to get her outside now." Graciela yelled, taking Amber up in her arms. Amber started screaming and we hurriedly left the room.

We made our way behind the hospital. Graciela placed Amber's shaking form on the green glass and she continued crying and screaming in agony pain. Her body started bending awkwardly and made cracking sounds.

All I could do was watch helplessly throughout her suffering.

It went on for a while, then finally we're looking at a light brown wolf whimpering from the ground. She was absolutely beautiful.

"Amber." I whispered not wanting to alarm her.

The wolf's head shoots up but she looked behind me. I glanced back and saw all three alphas and Lavinia watching the scene.

How long have they been standing here?

I kneeled down beside Amber and ran my hand slowly over her fur. "It's ok." I assured her. "No one will hurt you."

"Can you stand up Amber?" Graciela requested, I noticed that I made the mistake of calling Amber's name.

Amber shakily stood on four paws and started walking around. After getting use to it, she's starts running around playfully.

"I guess everything is back to normal now, Amber is 100 percent fine." Graciela informed me with a bright smile.

"Thanks for everything." I said looking at Amber. "We will be leaving tonight."

"Tonight!?!" A high-pitched voice shuted.

I turned away to face Lavinia. "Do you have a problem with that?" I crossed my arms glaring at her.

"Why would you leave when she has the chance to join a pack. She's your daughter, you can't do that to her."

"Oh, I didn't realize I needed your permission to go." I rolled my eyes.

"That's not what I meant." She defended herself.

"What did you mean, Lavinia?" I spat.

She took few steps towards me, "I haven't heard from you in years Aurelia, don't you want to make up for that time?" She sounded so vulnerable. "I'm your sister for God's sake." She added.

I scoffed as images of our childhood replayed in my mind. She made it sound like we were besties.

"Sister?" I darkly chuckled. " YOUR mother and YOUR grandmother made sure I wasn't apart of your life. Do you remember how dangerous I was? Don't you remember how you got that scar?"

She looked at it and hid it with her hand. Clyde came by her side and wrapped his hand around her waist.

"At least stay for your mate, you are not being fair to him." She looked at Campbell and I do too. His lips are in a thin line and he's looking at me emotionless.

Where have I heard that before?

"You are my mate. You are mine. You belong to me, your body, your powers, all mine. You're nothing without me."

"What do you mean mate?" I asked, looking back at Lavinia, vaguely remembering that word.

"When we were younger the elders taught us about beloved and soulmates. Only vampires and werewolves are guaranteed to have one, most witches are lucky to even find true love." She explained.

"You leaving here is not fair to Campbell. He need his-"

"Lavinia stop." Campbell cut her off. "She's free to do whatever she wants." His voice was cold and emotionless. He then walked away with his hands in his packets.

"Lavinia, Campbell is right." Clyde kissed her forehead.


Amber went in the bathroom to take a shower and I sat in one of the chairs in the hospital room. I brought clothes she had years ago in the car, that's what she will be wearing now.

Well this week has been very eventful.

I walked into an ambush, got shot with something I don't even know about. Amber force shifted, but now she's fine. I met my sister, who's a luna of a pack, and I want nothing to do with her. And to top that, I'm getting flashbacks from my past.....

My mate. How's that even possible? I ran away from my mate years ago and have never seen that bastard since, and now I have another. Meeting Campbell was different, it felt real and I almost, almost, liked the feeling.

If I'm the one chosen to be their mate then I'm absolutely sorry for the poor fellows, they'll dismiss it soon enough. I belong to no one and I don't need anyone, just like everyone dosen't need me.

I stood up to check on Amber when I became very light headed. I grabbed the chair trying to balance my self as the room started spinning. All the noises from the hallway faded away and I felt nauseous.

I didn't have the energy to make it to the bathroom in time and ended up puking on the floor, liquid poured from my ear and nose.

Small hands came to cup my face along with the feeling of warmth and slowly the pain went away. I opened my eyes seeing Amber kneeled down were I was.

"Are you ok?" She asked removing her hands.

I nodded as I tired to catch my breath.

"I healed you, at least kinda. Also don't try to do any magic for a while. Not even a small spell. You are in a very weak state right now. " Amber whispered. She sounds like my mother in a 5 year old body. It's kinda weird having her like this again.

I looked at the floor noting the pile of blood along with my hands and shirt covering in it.

Is this gonna keep happening? What if it does when Amber needs me the most? How am I gonna protect her when I can't even do magic?

This is not something to act on without thinking. I need to look at things from Amber's point of view. I don't want to put her life in danger because I wanted to avoid my past. I need to think about her safety.

A pack is the only place she will be safe but I don't trust any. Well, we are already here, if anything she better off joining the pack. She'll have them to protect her.

"Amber?" My voice came out weak and pathetic, I hated it. " Do you want to stay here?"

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