Chapter 16

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"When a person can't find a deep sense of meaning, they distract themselves with pleasure."


Campbell's POV

We arrived at Mikayla's house and were greeted by a glare from her brother. Miles and I, had never seen eye to eye, we hate each other guts for absolutely no reason. We always disagreed on the simplest things, most of the time I tend to ignore him.

We met three years ago in Russia when Clyde, Lavinia and I went to represent our pack at a council meeting. Miles and his sister were in a bad place at the time and needed our help. Others packs would have killed them on site because of their hatred for rogues, they believed that all rogues were dangerous and power-hungry; which wasn't true.

A wolf become a rogue due to multiple circumstances, including being insolent, the death of their mates or not finding their mate. The feeling of losing your soulmate would basically drive you insane. You wouldn't want to live if your reason for living was gone.

We brought them back to America and offered them a place in our pack, but they
decided to stayed rogues since they didn't
want to join a pack. Even with their decision, we stayed in touch and we tried to help them every way possible. They lived by themselves in the middle of the forest in a cozy cabin.

Miles carried us through the forest towards their home. Nature was truly an enchanting and magnificent sight, the wind whistled disturbing the sleeping leaves, birds were happily singing and the overhanging branches creaked. The sunlight peeked through cracked leaves, illuminating the forest floor with it's warmth.

"Hello Boys." Mikayla whistled from a table set up at the side of the cabin. She was indeed a beautiful person, slim framed and tall, no one could deny how attractive she was, too bad my eyes were attracted to someone else.

"Mikayla," Caleb nodded taking a seat at the table. I joined them, along with Miles. The table was crowded with food and Caleb didn't waste any time digging in.

"It's nice to see you Campbell." Mikayla smiled while Miles rolled his eyes.

"Is there a chance this meeting is about something important?" I didn't have any more time to waste on her games.

"Of course this is important." She exclaimed. "If only you would come to your senses."

Caleb choked on whatever he was eating trying to contain his laughter while, Miles just looked plain out uncomfortable.

"Mikayla, I'm an alpha-what you're asking of me is impossible, any man in their right mind would turn down your offer." I said, my jaw ticked in anger. "The council banded this years ago."

"I don't care what the council did, this is about you and I, oh and Miles" She pointed out. "For all we know, we are the only ones left of our kind."

"We don't know that for sure." Caleb intervened. "Others are out there, maybe even your mate."

"I don't want a mate." She gritted out.

"I'm sorry Mikayla, but I'm not your solution, to whatever problem you think there is."

"And he found his mate." Caleb blurred out.

"He did what!?!" Mikayla slammed her hand on the table. Miles rested back finding interest in the conversation.

"Lower your voice." I warned her lowly.

"What is she?" She asked sitting down.

"She's my mate."

"What. is. she?" She repeated.

"She's human." Amber said that Aurelia has powers, but I'm not entirely sure. Witches gave of a sense of energy to other supernaturals and I don't feel anything from Aurelia.

Mikayla started laughing at my response, which indeed angered me but I gave her a blank expression. Most alphas, react violently to the sight of disrespect, but I don't ever want to lose control so easily. I think it's just plain out overreacting.

"A human?" Mikayla laughed. "Who would have thought that the almighty Lycan would end up being mate with a helpless human."

"Mikayla, you're free to say anything you want, just leave my mate out of it. She has nothing to do with this."

"Your mate is no werewolf so you can sleep with anyone you please, I doubt she would even notice." She suggested.

"Why didn't you consider mating with Caleb?" I asked and Caleb glared at me. "He's a lycan too, who hasn't found his mate yet." I said looking from Caleb back to her.

"Caleb is not a pure blood Lycan, you are the only match." She argued.

My parents were both lycans which came as a result in having a pure blood offspring, me. Clyde and Caleb mothers were both werewolves, hence, they were born as half-bloods. Mikayla believed that we were the last of our kind, so she suggested the two of us should mate together. That could never happen considering that we weren't soulmates and the council banned any form of force-mating centuries ago, therefore everyone had to wait on their true beloved.

"Mikayla," Miles called. "Stop throwing yourself at them. You're the last female lycan so what? Who cares?"

A howl came from the forest and drowned anything that Mikayla was gonna say. All of our attentions snapped towards the source.

"Please tell me that you guys brought guards and they are out there howling right now." Mikayla looked at both Caleb and I.

"We didn't bring any one, they are rogues." I answered, sniffing the air.

"And from the looks of it, they weren't invited to the party." Caleb clenched his fist.

The Lichen pack, intentionally, has nothing against rogues. Whenever they came on our territory we ask them to join our pack and if they refused we let them go. Sometimes, they came there to attack and had to be dealt with accordingly but otherwise we don't have a problem.

Our pack live by the fact that not all rogues hold a threat, most of them were casted from their packs because of their inability to cooperate with their alpha. Others leave voluntarily for their mates.

A group of rogues emerged from the forest doors bearing their teeth at us. The four of us stand our ground, as our posture change preparing for a fight.

"What do you want?" Caleb voice raised in authority. No matter how much Caleb is goofy and outgoing at times he can also be outrageous when he have to. The wolves just growled in response crawling closer.

"Campbell you should leave."

"Caleb, just because I don't shift doesn't mean I will run away like a coward." I'm still has strong in human form. The wolves started running towards us and we braced ourselves for the fight. When they were 10 feet in front of us a black force came as our shield and they were trapped on the other side.

"It can't be." Mikayla gulped, she eyes stared widely. A thunderous crack came from behind us, I looked over my shoulder finding what seemed to be a vortex. "Go in." Mikayla told us going towards it. "Trust me." She begged when neither I nor Caleb moved.

"Where are we?" Caleb asked when we entered the other side.

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