Chapter 37

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Aurelia's POV

I woke up to Mikayla's tossing and turning on the bed we shared, she kept muttering imperceptible things in her sleep. Her body was covered in sweat and she shivered like a leaf. Instantly, both her hands clutched her throat and she started clogging for air. I violently shook her, and I  repeatedly,  called out her name. When her eyes opened, she rolled on her side and fought for breath as if she forgot to breathe. I got her to sit up and took her face in my hands, her eyes roamed suspiciously around the room, and it was as if I wasn't even there.

"Mikayla, breathe." I said as panic swept over me.  "I'm right here Kayla." I reassured. After a few minutes of taking deep breaths, the panting creased and she became calm.

"When did the nightmares start?" I asked, retreating my hands to my lap.

She coughed a few times before answering. "What nightmares?"

I signed. "Mikayla, this isn't the time to joke around. Answer me." I forcefully stated.

Rolling her eyes, she said, "I don't know, a few weeks now." She shrugged.

"You should have said something." I told her.

"You had enough dealing with." She huffed out in annoyance.

"Well I'm here now, do you want to talk?" I hopefully coerced.

Resting herself on the headboard, "All of them are about him." She replied wistfully. "This one, was about that time they left me in the river to drown."

"Oh, kayla." I gasped hugging. "It's okay, he can't hurt us again." She hugged me back twice as hard.

I remembered that day, like every other dreadful one we went through. The alpha's son carried Mikayla and threw her in the  river when he knew neither of us could swim. When he saw that it was getting serious, he saved her then beat the both of us that same night.

"Let's go back to bed, we have training in a hour." She signed.


Blade was curled up in my lap, while, I absentmindedly stroked her soft fur with one hand, and held the TV remote in the other. I had finally finished the Netflix series I was watching,  being that, I was looking for something as interesting to watch. A few minutes later, Blade's ears perked up and her head snapped behind me. I peered at what got her attention and found Victoria standing in the doorway of Campbell's living room.

I jumped up defensively, an account of her uninvited visit, Blade bark and ran off after falling from my lap. "You need to leave." I warned.

I slowly glide my hands to my back, as her focus was on my foaming face. I gripped the knife I've been carrying around, I was prepared to use it.

"Must everything be about violence?" She replied with a bored tone.

"Trust me when I say this is me not choosing violence." I spat.

"You need to come with me, child." She ordered. I laughed dryly and gave her a very unimpressed look.

"It's not a request," she added. "You're only making this harder for the both of us."

I shook my head. "You have some nerves–." 

She held her hand out as a sigh for me to stop talking. "Aurelia, stop being a stubborn brat. You have no idea what I did to save you, I'm your mother and you-"

Instantly, I was pulling the knife from my strap and aiming it at her. She screamed out and fell to the ground with my knife burning her shoulder. I slowly walked towards her violently shaking with rage.

"You think saving my life gives you a get out of jail free card?" I sneered. I lowered myself in a scrunched posture then applied pressure on the knife. "You don't deserve the title of being called a mother, not after what you've done." She  screamed, not expecting the level of pain.

"It's doesn't feel good, huh." I taunted. "And it isn't near to the torture you brought in my life."

Her sounds of pain continued but I didn't flinch. "You locked me away, abused me, forced me to hide myself, i was disowned and worst of all sold away." With each word the blade went deeper. "But an account of what Victoria?" That was all I needed to know, the reason why I was treated that way.

"Aurelia, you don't understand." Her voice was unsteady and she stuttered a little.

"That's because you won't give me an explanation." I answered.

"I've done many horrible things and now I have to pay. You need to come with me or he'll take us bout." She finished.

I huffed and got up, ripping the knife from her shoulder in the process. Her blood gushed out, messing up the Campbell's poor carpet. "I knew you were up to something but I just didn't know what yet." I stated looking down at her injured form.

"Everyone else thought you were being helpful, helping your poor dying 'daughter'," she tried to use her hands as a cloth to stop the blood. "But you just got yourself messed up with the wrong type of people and want me to bail you out..........isn't that so, Victoria?"

She looked down in shame and nobbed. "I had to–"

"I don't care, I don't!!!" I yelled. "I've been obsessed over your betrayal for way too long.........I walk around with this shadowing fear that if I allowed anyone to get remotely close to me the same thing will happen."

A lone tear fell down my cheek; my body was as tensed as my tangled mind. "I thought everyone was the same as you, but I didn't realized that I had Mikayla and Miles looking out for me when I was face flat." I said, fighting back tears.

Mikayla had taught and shown me how someone was to be treated, feel welcomed and loved. Miles was there to protect me, even though I didn't needed it, it was to show me that he cared.

"Then Amber came into my life," I smiled sadly, remembering the night I first met her. "At first, I was opposed to the idea of her, then I remembered what I went through. I didn't want that innocent child to get mistreated in life."

Amber brought meaning to my life. At first I was just a lost soul running towards endless rage, then she opened my eyes to see a less horrible side of this god forsaken world. Now, I couldn't imagine going through life without feeling that spectrum of emotion she gave me. Her first step, first word, her smiles, and her giggles. She would get so excited when she discovered something new and I would be so happy to hear her talk no stop about it.

"Meeting her brought me here, I got to be apart of something real. I believed that all alphas were terrible, selfish bastards who only care about power, but, Caleb and Clyde are living proof that you choose how you act towards people." I sniffled.

"I kept telling myself that I should keep my distance, that way I would be safe," I Turned away and put my forehead in my hands. "You get attached, you get attacked.......those thoughts stubbornly, but surely, faded away when the most selfless person I've ever met came in to life." I stopped for a minute and sobbed. I heard Victoria getting up then whispered a spell, I didn't worry about it because I recognized the healing spell Evelyn thought me.

"I tried so hard to push him away but he kept coming back, instead of telling me how he felt, he showed me."

He was nothing but patient  when it came to me. I may have chosen to deny it but he genuinely cares.

"Aurelia, I'm so sorry, if I could change things-"

"I didn't tell you all this for her pity," After wiping my tears, I turned to face her. I hated crying because of anger.
"It's to show you that people act how they feel. You chose to turn away, stop blaming your mother for your choices." I scolded. "I learned to trust others....but only those who are worthy because not everyone intend on doing the same thing."

A smile broke onto my face."Thank you for teaching me what not to accept" I added. "Now, please leave before my knife ends up somewhere else."

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