chapter 22

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I lazily stumbled in the bathroom after a while of being in bed. After brushing my teeth, I peeled my clothes off and stepped into the shower sliding the glass close. I turned the shower handle adjusting it to the right temperature, the pitter-patter rushed out meeting my face then explored the rest of my naked body.

At first, the water was bitter cold but quickly, the smoothing drops turned into blistering warmth. My body captivated the satisfying sensation like a sponge. I repeatedly ran my hands through my curls with the shampoo then rinsed it out and repeat the process with conditioner.

It's powerful yet calming, deadly yet it gives life, simple yet enchanting. Water serves as significant element in our daily lives. The shower is a distinct place. A place where my thoughts come alive, a place for my horrible singing and of course, a place to refresh my self.

I felt empty inside; not necessarily sad, just empty. I guess I've been carrying around the heaviness of my past and now that I've finally accepted it all, there's a gaping hole where it all once laid. But now, I'm willing to put it all behind me, It's clear as day that I can't change anything that happened in my past. I had no control over it and that's what controlled me for years. As I said before, it won't magically change, it will take time. I'll have to work through things slowly. Mikayla and I will get through this.

I turned my head towards the shower head with my eyes closed and a huge smile. Hugged by the gentle flow of the water, the feeling of determination rained on me.

It's a new found sensation.

Sadly, after a solid 20 minutes I forced myself out of the shower, eager to start the day. Not that there is anything I have to look forward to. All I do is sit around all day; which isn't bad.

I emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a fuzzy warm towel, I got dressed in a black joggers and a large tshirt. I don't know why but I mostly wear baggy clothing. It's easier to hide in and it's comfortable. My hair started moving into a sleek top bun with the control of my mind. I didn't straight it because of the suggestion Cam made yesterday. The fact that he admitted liking my natural hair, I want to show it off to the world. Not that I'll ever tell him that.

I left my room and headed towards Amber's, no one was there so I went downstairs. The downstairs living room was empty, also the kitchen. The house seemed completely isolated and undisturbed. The halls, chairs and couches that were once filled with cheerful teenagers, now appeared vacant and discreet.

Where is everyone? I asked myself. I left the pack house and started exploring my surroundings, everywhere stood unoccupied. The trees swayed with the stuttering rhythm of the wind, which murmured against my skin. The overcast sky hovered gloomy and dull, dark shadows made from the sunless atmosphere.

I stopped walking when I heard Campbell distant voice, the closer i went the louder he got. His voice was filled with authority, it's the deepest I've ever heard it. He stood on a makeshift stage with Caleb beside him, infront of them stood hundreds of people in a large clearing.

"-that's why Alpha Clyde went away early this morning. We expect him to be back home by the end of the week." He seriously stated.

"That's all for today." Caleb interjected, dismissing everyone.

The sea of women, men and children parted their way back to their destinations. That's why no one was around, they were attending a pack meeting. I wonder what it was all about and where the hell did Clyde go?

Meg, Lavinia, Caleb, Miles, Campbell and Mikayla were the last persons there. Their heads turned when I walked up to them. Miles walked towards me and pulled me into a bear hug which I gladly returned.

"I'm hugging you but I still hate you." He said letting go.

I laughed rolling my eyes. "Don't worry I hate you too."

"What's happening here?" I asked looking at Caleb for an answer.

"Just another one of the pack's weekly meetings, so that everyone is updated and we can discuss business among ourselves." He clarified.

I shaped my mouth into an 'O' shape and mumbled "Oh"

"And where's Clyde?" I asked.

"There was an emergency council meeting, he went to represent our pack." Lavinia answered sadly and I nodded.

"Did Amber go to school?"

"Yeah, Campbell brought her early today." Caleb confirmed.

"Thanks." I said to Campbell and he nodded.

Since we've been here, Amber and I hardly spend time together. Normally, the only time we were apart was when I had to work, which was rarely. Now that she has school, I'll most likely never have enough time with her.

"Um, we have something to discuss with you." Lavinia nervously said.

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