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I always wanted to associate myself in nature as close as possible that's why most of the location my houses was build in the middle of a bountiful forest to showcase the beauty of the forest.

I always wanted to associate myself in nature as close as possible that's why most of the location my houses was build in the middle of a bountiful forest to showcase the beauty of the forest

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 Setting foot in the house,my honey bee Cole,excitedly signaled his nanny Fiona to move around wherever his little chubby hands pointed

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Setting foot in the house,my honey bee Cole,excitedly signaled his nanny Fiona to move around wherever his little chubby hands pointed.He must have love architecture and interior designs.

Peeking at my other sons from the side,Baby Hale with his big brother Arthur and Ethan occupied their inquiring gaze at me.

{Cute!} planting a big kiss in each cheeks,I giggled.

"Hmnnn..This is one of the other personal innovation of houses,Mommy constructed in my early days...Bored"

The trio nodded in sink once again with detectable amusement beneath their eyes.

A minute after,my busy bee Cole run towards me with his petite little feet.

"Ei wunto..hap...tee..por..mat op thz hout pwease"
(I want to have the format of this house.Please!)

Wow..I never expect this coming..My little bee's first word!no!Sentence!
But it saddens me a little bit..I loose to my freakin House paper designs.

Remembering my sons appropriate distance with me looking cold and unaffected,my mood worsen but...hayyy,enough for today grievance!

Entering my room upstairs,I opened the compartment with numbers of code
{I should change it with my sons birthday later}
Reaching out my hand,I took the designs and handed it over to my son,Cole who brightly smiled after.With a slight sad faced I ruffled his   
honey brown hair before ordering the maids to  tackled them in bed for an afternoon nap.

I slump down the sofa and laying my hand on top of the eye to relax


Does my sons really hate me?
Sighn.......*ring* *ring* *ring* *phone call*

I prayed for the caller to have his/her phone sprinkled with water and shot down his/her phone or stolen by a robber.

but to no avail my prayer didn't work so I picked up the phone.

"Boss,we've handled it.The 60%shares together with the 10% addition from the shareholders had been transferred to your account"

"Okay,Daniel send me books and articles about raising a child"

"Yes boss"

"By the way how the mercenary guild and the organization"
"Boss,I was-

"Ma'am!Ma'am" before Daniel could finish what he wanted to say Cara,Arthur's personal maid reported that Arthur went missing.

Without second thoughts,I excused myself. leaving Daniel for later.

Together with the maids,we rummage everywhere inside the house.Alarmed by the sudden disappearance of my son  "Arthur!Arthur!" I angrily shouted with anxiousness.

Where could he possibly be..Entering my room once again,I found the hidden room visible on the floor signifies someone entered not earlier than 5 minutes ago.

Entering my room once again,I found the hidden room visible on the floor signifies someone entered not earlier than 5 minutes ago

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"Not good" gritting my teeth.Inside this hidden room laid thousands of traps that I set up to kill automatically if ever my personal Q.I Lion detected an unknown and unscanned intruder inside the hidden room without permission.It would release nuclear bombs,fast acting poison stick inside the daggers,arrow and bullets leaving no man alive.

I felt more horrified seeing my son almost stepping the invincible ropes at the far distance.Without delay I hurriedly ran towards my little bear's direction(Arthur)

I hugged him tightly within my arms.
"He could have died" I shivered with fright imagining a sight of a burned little corpse.No!

"Don't go anywhere without asking me first-This is an order" My electric blue eyes meets his charcoal grey with seriousness.

My baby nodded his head as he hugged me back.I felt warmth,this is the first time.

"Cali,deactivate the traps and scan my son for permission of entrance"

"Yes master" Cali,the Q.I. lion that Ive programmed,answered with complete respect.

Scoping my son,I let him sit in the couch for a moment before asking him.

"My little smartie pants,why are you here?" I asked him throughly.

"Mommy" my son uttered completely shocking me.

"Baby?" Overwhelmed with happiness.I responded.

"Mommy dwont bi agry ith mi.pwease"
(Don't be angry with me.Please"

"Of course my son" I hugged him completely disregarding the fact that I'm aware he was distracting me.So cute and anyways it isn't bad if I gave him a little leeway especially when he puts on this cute little mask he build for me.I'll spoil him a bit..

Touching his adorable nose I asked "So what does this cute little baby want from mommy's hidden room" I laugh when I saw him stiffen a little bit

"It's okay..Mommy knows you and your little brothers are different from other kids but still mommy will spoil and love you guyz because you and your brothers are my life and I'll protect you in this lifetime"

I vowed looking at my tear filled son.He looks like he is about to cry but forced not to.

"Shhhhhhh~just cry and let's sleep after"

"Hmnnnnn yes mommy"

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