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Arthur's POV:
Lying down in the Nanny's arm,I've patiently closed my eyes only to be awoken by a cold threatening's from that woman..What happened.....

I peaked at the woman's direction as she told the maids

"You are assigned to take care of my sons and I will give you chance to prove that you are indeed qualified.So be confident in your skills and show me you deserve it and of course in return for your service,I will raise your ranks in the guild bass of your performance.However,if something happens to my precious treasures,just say goodbye to your carriers even your life so if you can't take the risk quit"

Ranks? Guild? Hmnn it turns out this woman is far stronger and influential than I thought she would.She also love and treasures us's nice..

-5 hours after traveling-
Hours have passed since then.It was a long journey giving me a lot of time to process and think about what should  I do in the years to come.

The car suddenly halt its movements at the guarded private owned forest.
Observing the area,their are at least 60+ bodyguards with 34 hidden snipers located all around the entrance.

The gate is a superb technical fence made out of the toughest metal available in the black market..I think?..With this gate,I'm pretty sure this place is free from robbery,intruders and etc.

The woman(Mother) slide down the window pressing her finger prints in an electronic device coupled with eye scanner.

After a series of check ups,we passed through the gate and travel for another hour to the house.

Arriving at the center of the forest,a black magnificent structure of the house greeted us.

Even I who doesn't have much experience and knowledge in architecture and designs know that this house is priceless.

I'm pretty sure Cole would be obsess over it.

Trying to determine if my assumption is correct I moved my head to Coles direction and yep..I'm right he basically ask his caretaker to go everywhere while pointing his short limbs.

Curiously I look back to the woman's face.She looked a little shy as she kissed us in the checks and told us she personally created this house base off what she imagine when she had nothing to do.

I just nod together with my other brothers in amusement.But we still kept our curiosity for ourselves.

However,the enthusiastic Cole couldn't control himself as he ran towards the woman with his eyes pleading in handing out the house design and outline.

Doting as ever the woman agreed without hesitation as she walked upstairs to get him the format.But me and my brothers notice the woman's slightly sad face..?Why?

After handing over the designs to Cole,she asked the maid to bring us back to our rooms.
It scared us.

Before she always wanted to stick closer to us giving warmth and love..

Did we do something to make her mad?Is she angry? and why do we feel at loss? Doubts and Questioned resurfaced our thoughts...

But before I could ask,we were put inside our room together by Cara and the other caretakers.
Ethan,Cole and Hale must have been tired after a long journey,I too am tired  but the woman's reaction replayed in my mind again for thousand times hindering me from sleeping so without a choice.

I choose to find the woman;opening each room inside the upper part part of the house.I accidentally went inside a charcoal black room with neatly organized office containing loads of documents that reminding me of my past.

Curiously,I tour around for a couple of minute before stumbling into a suspicious and weirdly placed bookshelf..the book before this part were organized with the first lettered titles but this part looks like a deliberately jumbled ..Could it be? *re-arrange the books*

"Brohhhhhh...Brohhhh"  heavy brushed metal opened on the ground,revealing a very mysterious hidden room.

Interested to what comes beyond,I hold onto the railings of the stair case for support.Reaching the bottom,I felt extreme alarmed around my instinct,reminding me that this place is dangerous.

I freeze momentarily,thinking about how to passed through without activating the traps....

But when I just attempt to move,I heard the womans angry voice from the distance which scared me more than anything.

Oh no! Is she gonna hit me.I can't take it right now,Im too fragile...I inwardly panicked
What should I do?What should I do? I keep on finding better explanation to appease the woman.

She..She's slowly's the end..She mad for sure..I shouldn't have gone out".Embracing myself for the sudden impact,I cowered while putting my hand over my body to protect it.

But I was greeted by a warm hug instead.The woman didn't slap me or rather she wouldn't slap me. Feeling her body shakes out of fear as her face loss it's rosy color.She looked pale.She must have known that her traps would kill me if she didn't come earlier.

Hayyyyyyy I silently sighn in my heart.This woman...No!this mother of mine truly loves us brothers..I feel incredible warmth at this moment.

"Don't go anywhere without asking me first-This is an order"She ordered with concern;having no other ways to refute,I nod at mother's words.

However,her next words and the sudden appearance of a mysterious voice shocked the hell out me.

"Cali,deactivate the traps and scan my son for permission of entrance"

"Yes master" the deep voice revealed itself in-front the screen.It was a digital programmed lion that only veteran and skillful Hackers could formulate..Cool.

Picking me up to the ground,my mother put me carefully in the most comfortable couch..I think I have ever seated.Where did mother buy this?

"My little smartie pants,why are you here?" She asked.

To be honest I'm touched by the fact she let me in her hidden basement because I myself know how important that person is if you let them in your most sacred place.

"Mommy"I uttered heartedly with hidden agenda.I need to distract her a bit so that the later punishment would be to heavy ehehhe.

"Baby?" She replied questionably with overwhelming happiness plastered on mother face.

"Mommy dwont bi agry ith mi.pwease"
(Don't be angry with me.Please"
Using my cuteness as a hmnnnn weapon is..not shameless at's a strategy...

"Of course my son" works! Mother then happily stretched out her jade hands touching the tip of my nose.

"So what does this cute little baby want from mommy's hidden room" I stiffened when I heard her question once again..I couldn't say I'm worried about her or I want to see her because it would be too embarrassing to admit.

Maybe noticing my reaction my mother consoled me by saying
"It's okay..Mommy knows you and your little brothers are different from other kids but still mommy will spoil and love you guyz because you and your brothers are my life and I'll protect you in this lifetime" her words incredibly warm my heart..Ahhh this must be the mother's love that I yearn and envy for years.I cried in her arms.

There's no other things that I could ask for but to let this warmth last.

To be continued....

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