Fxck you(Quite Long chapter)

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Crimson's POV:

Ahahahahah..Any last words,BeautifulLady?" He laughs like a mad man.

I looked at him coldly

"What..are you afraid to die?Well let me tell you this Blood Saint...Your little sons would follow you after a few days..ahahahaha"

"H-Huh?" I looked at him with my eyes and mouth both wide open..

"Your sons is really your weakness..That man truly spoke the truth..Hey,do you want me to cut your sons into pieces with my axe or make them my personal prostitute first?Jonas spoke in scorn.

"With the face like your's,bet your sons would also be a beauty.."He added and just like that 

I-I lose my control..Forget timing and all that shxt..

With blood shot eyes, I swiftly stand up with my hand tightly grip into his, totally throwing the gun from a far distance and finally punched him brutally again and again and again without an restrain completely breaking his bones into shreds as blood his raptured my hands.

Standing up I grip his body upwards which entirely shocked the his people-frozen

I roared in anger "Fxckkkkk youuuu..Andy,get ready!" With my most awaited signal thousand of men surrounded Jonas party as they holed them with guns  killing almost all of them except for 10 muscular dudes and Arianna who I ordered not to be touched..

When they all finally died, I stare at Jonas to whom I griped from the neck for a long time,he was extremely pale as he was deprived from oxygen.

Shaking him,I uttered with in coldness..

"Do you think your smart huh? Then here's  the thing pretty boy,defeating me is a dream you would never set reality and this is what you get from going against me" 

"Andy fire" I called out Andy and only seconds after a loud explosion could be heard.

The whole underground base of Deep Scavenger were swallowed by the blazing fire including its branches in THE WHOLE WORLD greatly alarming the media and authorities but I could never care less.

'Jonas,this is what you get from going against those who you could only dream to fight and win to.I am unbeatable and my sons are both my weakness and strength so in your next life,if ever you wanted to try me,never threaten me with my cute little sons,you asxhole" I dropped him on the ground with forced as he caught out blood while I gave him a kick.

"Zora,Zera,Zeo bring out the 10 mascular guards and Arianna chain with both legs chain in solid iron balls as heavy as possible" I ordered the triplets.

"Yes master"They answered in sink while quickly pulling the tan dudes.

When my orders where finally done,I reached for 3 candies on my pocket as a reward for the trio.Although they look emotionless and mature but in my eyes they are still little kids just like little buns as they always ask for chocolate after a mission which is also why I build my own chocolate factory for them.A their father and mother died as an assasins..

Okay lets retreat from sad stuff and back to where I was,putting the two extra heavy iron balls at the unmoving Jonas as I squat down to his level and said in mackery 

"Jonas~since your one horny brat,I"ll make sure you'll taste your own man's dxck and dont worry with iron balls in both your legs,you can never close them,together you and Arianna will feel the pleasure"I then patt his bloody face. Yes,I am petty and never let anyone go when they talk shxt about my precious sons.

"You,You,You"Pointing the 5 bigger dudes,I ordered "Make sure to pleasure your master as I will grant you one shot,one kill death than directly torturing you..As for the other you gang up with Arianna" 

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