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TIMESKIP 10 months

First Person POV:

I woke up to the sound of someone moving around downstairs. I checked the time on my phone and saw it was 5:45 in the morning. I felt a sudden wave  of fear and stress flow through me and land in my stomach, leaving a knot behind. It was the day of the UA entrance exam.

My figure had changed quite a bit since I first started working out every day. My thighs were thicker, I had more muscle on my arms, I had abs that were quite noticeable, and I had traded the fat for muscle weight. 

I got dressed in the same sporty clothes that I wore to workout, packed my bag and headed down to the beach to stretch. Once I got there, I started my stretches. My stress started to fade a bit, hearing the waves crashing against the surrounding rocks, but suddenly all of the stress that had left doubled and came back when I heard a blood curdling scream. I look up to see the same figure I couldn't recognize that first day, now much more muscular than before, standing on top of a pile of garbage. They stopped screaming and started falling.

I panicked, and started running towards them, but I froze in place when I saw the stoic hero catch them. ALL MIGHT set the figure down and started talking to them. 

I checked the time and it was almost 7 am. The exam starts at 8 am. I packed up my stuff and ran back home to get changed. Izuku and I had agreed that we would meet up and walk to the exam together.

I put on my school uniform, and ran to the intersection Izuku and I normally part at. He was waiting there for me. When he spotted me he smiled brightly and waved at me. I ran over to him and we started walking. 

We had met up to hang out, but we never went to my house. I didn't want my dad to know about him, because he might ruin the only friendship I have. We kicked a rock back and forth, as we always did. It took us about 15 minutes to walk to the school. 

We stopped in front of the school's gates. "I've seen it in pictures, but it's even bigger in real life!", I said, staring up at the massive building looming before us. We walked through the gate. "There are so many other people here!", Izuku said, turning to look at me. His face was completely white. "We've got this! If we panic now, then we might as well just leave.", I told him, trying to reassure him. It seemed to work as his face gained some color back. I also had to listen to my own words. I was just as scared as Izuku.

"Yeah! We've worked so hard to get here w-", he was cut off by him tripping over thin air. Right when he was about to hit the ground, he stopped. He looked like he was floating. A girl with short brown hair and a round face  helped him up and said, "It would be bad luck if you fell before the exam even started!" Izuku blushed a little and I laughed a bit at his childishness. "I'm Ochako Uraraka! What's your names?", the girl said. "I'm Y/N Yagi, and this blushing mess is Izuku Midorya. It's nice to meet you Uraraka!" We smiled at each other and walked into the auditorium.

"ARE YOU GUYS READY TO HEAR THE RULES? CAN I HEAR A HELL YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!" Silence. The loud, blonde, voice hero Present Mic chuckled a bit, "You are a serious group aren't you?" Silence again. "Alrighty then! Let's hear the rules. Your targets are robots. There are 4 different kinds of robots all with a different point ranking. The first is worth 1, the second is worth 2, and the third is worth 3. There will be a time limit of 15 minutes. Get as many points as you can before the time runs out." Izuku started muttering, most likely trying to think of a plan. A tall blue haired boy stood up, throwing his hand in the air. Present Mic called on him. "First off, YOU with the messy hair!", everyone looked at Izuku, "-stop muttering it's distracting and disrespectful.", Izuku sunk in his seat. "Second, you said there would be 4 kinds of robots but you only showed us three. Is the fourth worth 4 points?", the boy inquired, kind of sternly. The banana haired man on the staged replied, saying, "Paying close attention, good! The fourth robot will be worth 0 points." The blue haired boy bowed, saying, "Thank you for clearing that up.", and sat down.

"If there are no more questions, then you can all head over to the fake city.", Present Mic seemed to have lost his enthusiasm from before.

Second person POV:

The group stood up and slowly made their way to the fake city. There were hundreds of students from different middle schools, but they had been split up to make the test easier to keep track of.

Luckily you and Midorya had been separated from Bakugo's group, but that meant you two would be competing. "Good Luck, Y/n.",  Midoriya said to you, "Thanks, you too." You thought back to what you said before trying to calm yourself down.

"3! 2! 1!... STAAAAAAAAAAAAART!", the voice hero seemed to have gotten his enthusiasm back.

An alarm rang, and everyone started running.

<948 words>



-Albion Orion

What a storm leaves behind (Mha x All Might's daughter)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα