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First Person POV:

I woke up to an old lady standing over me. "W-wha-?", she stopped me by shoving a sucker into my mouth. "You're awake! Good. You can head home now sweetheart.", she had a comforting smile painted on her face as she said this, "Wait! Uh, could you tell me what happened? I kinda blacked out.", I was scratching the back of my neck as I said this, "Well, you saved three other students, but got crushed by that robot in the process. It broke your back. If it had hit you any harder, I don't think I would have been able to have helped. You are lucky, although you will be a little sore and tired. My quirk takes your stamina to work.", the sweet woman replied. "Oh, thank you for healing me! I'll make sure to be more careful and not cause too much trouble." The words that I said were not expressing how grateful I was to her.

I grabbed my bag and started walking home. I had thought that Izuku would have waited for me,  but I guess I was wrong. It started to rain right as I made it out of the school's gates. "Crap! Where's my umbrella?" I thought back to this morning, remembering that I didnt bring it. It's not that bad anyway. 

I walked in the gutter, splashing in the small river of water created by the rain. The road started to get filled with cars, so I stepped up on to the sidewalk. My shoes made a small clicking sound when they came in contact with the pavement. I kicked a rock along with me as I walked. It made me wonder why Izuku didnt wait for me.

It wasn't like him to do that. He usually makes sure that I make it to my neighborhood safely, so it confused me why he didnt walk with me. I brushed it off and started running, not wanting to get any more soaked than I already was.

I made it back home. I don't dislike our home, it just brings back old memories. There are rooms I refuse to go in to, like my mom's old sewing room. It just brings back too many happy memories that I know I'll never have again.

Ever since my mom passed, my dad seemed to grow distant. He often acted as if I was a burden. Even though I have been reassured by him, I think he would rather have had my mom survive and lose me. That might sound bad, but honestly, I sometimes wish it had ended that way too. Maybe then the number 1 hero wouldn't have to fake his smile, maybe then he would be proud of me, maybe the world would be a better place now if my mom hadn't lost her life because of me. 

I often think about how it would be, I think about how much happier my dad would be without the reminder that his wife died trying to save a useless nobody. I have dark thoughts sometimes that I know I shouldn't have, but the question is, would he really be happy or would I just make it worse?

I know he's embarrassed of me. He hasn't told the media about me, which at first you might think is just him trying to protect me, but it's not. I see the light drain from his eyes when he hears my voice or when I come home. It pains me to see him hurt, so ever since our fight I've tried to keep contact between us to a minimum. I didnt tell him about Izuku, because I knew he would be embarrassed about me. Even when my mom was around, he had to be reminded to be proud of me. That's why I have to get into UA, and  become an amazing hero.

I stepped inside, the warm air rushing out of the entry way, trying to escape. I took off my wet shoes and coat and put them out to dry. I ran up the stairs and took off my soaked clothes. I climbed into the shower and turned the water on.

TIMESKIP dinnertime

"Y/n, dinner is ready!", I heard my dad shout from downstairs. I had changed into some fuzzy, warm, pajamas. I went downstairs and was about to go to the kitchen to grab my food, as I did every other night, but saw the table, bare as usual, and got an idea.

 "I thought we could have a normal dinner tonight", I said forcing a smile onto my face. My dad looked at me and sighed, "Alright.", he sat down and served himself a plate, "How'd the test go?" He said this in a slow, awkward tone. "It went fine, but I didnt get any points. If I saw someone in trouble, I couldn't stop myself from trying to save them, which resulted in me getting my back broken. I don't think I made it in, but you never know.", I said, rather quickly. We sat there in silence, until my dad's phone rang and he stood up and took his food with him. I heard him sigh in relief. He was obviously glad that our awkward attempt at a happy family dinner had been interrupted.

I stood up as well, taking my food to my room. I sat on my bed thinking about the events of the day. I finished my food and brushed my teeth. I climbed into my warm bed and fell asleep crying. I was kind of loud, so I hoped he didn't hear me. I hope.

All Might's POV:

I sighed before answering my phone. On one hand, I was relieved to get away from that awkward situation, but on the other... She had reached out again. I wanted to try again with her. She was all I had left. Remembering what I got up to do, I answered the phone.

"Principal Nezu, Hello", I greeted the mouse-like principal. "Hello, Mr. Yagi! As a new teacher at U.A., and the symbol of peace, I thought it would be quite inspiring to the new students if you recorded a video for their acceptance to the school! What do you think?" questioned the principal. "I, uh... I guess that would be good for them." "Lovely! Then I suppose we're in agreement! I'd like you to come in and start recording tomorrow! Have a good evening, Mr. Yagi." "Yes, of course. Goodbye, sir."

I sighed again, putting my phone in my pocket. I hesitated before returning, putting on a smile, hoping things could be less awkward. I walked back to the table, but Y/n was gone. My smile faded. I decided to go check on her. I walked upstairs and towards her bedroom door. As I was preparing to knock and call for her, I heard soft, quiet sobs. My heart ached a bit. What kind of father was I?

<969 words>


Hey, this one was a quick one, so I hope it's still good. Please enjoy! 

- Albion Orion

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