The end of the beginning

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Second Person POV:

"Come on mooom! Please just play with me today! You can call in sick!", you tugged at the fabric of your mother's hero costume. She looked down at you and shook her head smiling softly. Two strong arms lifted you off the ground and placed you on the owner's shoulders.

"You know your mother can't do that. Today is a big day for her. She'll be accepting a very special award from the hero council." Your dad walked towards the door where your mother now stood. "Will we get to go see her accept it like with your awards, dad?" You grabbed one of his bangs.

"No, since mom is an underground hero, she'll be accepting it alone." He bent down so your mother could pull you off of his shoulders and into her arms. "I'll be back by 06:00p.m.(18:00), starlight. I promise." She held you with one arm, holding out her pinky. You locked yours with hers and shook it. "Fine. But you HAVE to play with me tomorrow." You held her pinky tighter. "So many promises starlight, I don't know how I'll keep up." She shook it and hugged you.

Your feet made a small patting noise as she set you on the hardwood floor. She pulled your dad in for a hug and kissed him on the cheek. He pecked her forehead in return, and she left. "I love you!" You yelled out the door after her. She turned, laughing. "I love you too!" She yelled back. She got into her car, backed out, and she was gone.

You spent the day with your dad playing catch, tag, and what was supposed to be badminton. You two hadn't been outside for too long before it started storming. "That's weird. It's the middle of June. The weather also said it would be clear and sunny all week." You looked up at your dad. "Hurry inside starlight! We don't want to catch a cold!" He picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, running inside.

You were determined not to let the rain ruin your fun, so the two of you played hide and seek, watched movies, played board games, and baked for hours. You looked at the clock. "It's already 06:30 (18:30) daddy! Mommy broke her promise. You are my witness." The tall hero checked his watch, his eyebrows furrowing.


"The cookies!" You jumped out of your chair and stood by the oven waiting for your dad to take them out. 

You sat on the couch enjoying the cookies and talking with your dad for another hour. "Make sure to save some for mom!" You told him. He grabbed a few and set them on a new plate. "Speaking of, where is she?" You asked the man, who checked his phone and looked back at you. "Maybe she's talking with them still. I'll call the council incase she has her phone on mute still."

He stood up and walked into the kitchen, his phone pressed up against his ear. You could hear him greet the person on the phone before asking about Pro Hero Stormy. His smile faded and he quickly hung up the phone and dialed a new number. It rang 6 times before someone picked up.


"Might, when were you going to tell me you had a wife? Did my wedding invitation get lost in the mail? Oh that's right, you don't get mail in PRISON." A deep voice spoke through Shina's phone. "Who is this? Why do you have her phone?" "Wow, you don't even remember me?! All you heroes are the same. You think your better than us 'cause you have the law on your side. My name isn't important right now. What's important is that I have her hidden somewhere. All we need is you to bring your daughter and we'll hand over your wife."

"How do you know about her?" "Oh, you know." I looked at my daughter watching from the couch. She looked confused. I gave her a gentle smile, and walked to my office, shutting the door. "Your wife really is a blabbermouth. I thought we would have to use a quirk on her but she just started telling us about her family, begging for her life. What kind of idio-" "WHERE IS SHE?" I yelled at the man on the other end of the line. "Will you bring the girl?" *sigh* "Where is she?" 

AUTOR'S NOTE: Me waiting for a forehead kiss from mighty boi ._.

I'm back and this time I've actually got everything planned out completely so y'all will get the end of this story :] I've even made a plan with someone to continue the story incase I die. I hope y'all enjoy and I'll try to post again today or tomorrow. 

- Albion Orion

What a storm leaves behind (Mha x All Might's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now