Chapter 8

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"Boss, what are you doing here?"

Nick lifted his gaze from his laptop screen as his assistant's footsteps padded closer to his desk. When Tina paused in front on him, her tablet clutched tightly with her hands, he frowned.

"What do you mean?" Nick questioned, raising his brows as his fingers continued to tap across the keyboard. "I've got due diligence checks to complete if we want to close the Blue Falls Hotel purchase by the end of the week."

Tina shook her head. "No, you're meant to be meeting with Markos and the board. I messaged you about it a few weeks ago. Don't you remember? Markos decided to pull it forward and you said you'd update your calendar."

Nick scratched at the back his neck, his brow furrowing for a few seconds. Vaguely, he could recall the conversation but he had been distracted by the thought of the sleepover. Dropping his hand, Nick met her gaze and muttered a single word. "Shit."

"There's no need to panic. You've still got half an hour to get across town. If you leave now, you should be able to make it." Tina replied, tapping away at her tablet efficiently for a few seconds. "I've ordered your driver around front."

"Thank you. You're a lifesaver."

Tina grinned, "It's what you pay me for. Now, why are you still sitting there? You should already be leaving."

"Right. You're right." Nick shook his head and pushed up from his chair. Hastily bundling the papers together, he tucked them into a file before handing them across to his assistant. "Can you secure these away? I'll be back later to take a look through so we can hopefully get this signed off with the rest of the board."

Tina accepted the file with a nod. "It's fine. I've got this." A loud electronic chime echoed between them. "The car is waiting."

Nick was grateful he hadn't taken off his jacket as he picked up his wallet and keys before heading towards the door. His late nights were catching up to him. He had never forgotten something this important before.

"Good luck with the meeting, not that you need it." His assistant said just before the lift doors started to close.

Nick nodded his head absently. Inside however, everything was off kilter. He was unprepared. It didn't sit well. Markos had given no hints about the purpose of the meeting. If he hadn't been so pre-occupied by sleepovers and contracts, maybe he could have gotten the answers he needs. After all, his business had thrived because he had was always researched well and was prepared.

Nick clenched his hands at his sides and breathed out slowly. The Annual General Meeting with the board was not for another month. This meeting was something else entirely. It didn't sit well at all. Taking in another deep breath, Nick stuffed all of his concerns deep down. For once, he would be going in without all of the answers and there was nothing he could do about it.

He didn't have to like it.

* * *

Markos had selected a restaurant from the Giannopoulos portfolio. With views across the Thames and a beautiful riverside garden, the restaurant brought in an customers all year around. The food also happened to be spectacular - traditional Greek cuisine with only the freshest ingredients.

Pushing open the doors, Nick stepped into the warm and welcoming interior. Warm varnished wood and rich red slate tiles were complimented by the delicious scents coming from the kitchen. There were other restaurants with the Giannopoulos name above the door but this was Nick's favourite. It felt the most like Markos Giannopoulos's home. The atmosphere however came from him and his family - it wasn't something that could be fabricated.

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