Finding Betsy - Chapter 21

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The excitement of Christmas Eve was infectious. As time edged closer to the dreaded January, deep in her heart, Betsy was always plagued with a hint of sadness and longing. There wasn't a day in the year where she didn't feel it but it seemed to grow stronger at this time of year. It panged even more so when she watched the excitement on Tommy's face. After all, had things happened differently, her own son would be here to enjoy the festivities.

If things had happened differently, her life would be so very different. She wouldn't know Nick or the kids. Or maybe she would have met them eventually due to his connection to her sister, Claire. Yet their relationship would not be what it was. Betsy would probably still be with her ex-husband, Nathan, completely unaware that while they loved each other, they were not in love.

Her heart would always mourn what could have been. She would always wish her son had had the chance to live; to grow and choose his own path. Yet, Betsy would forever be grateful that she found Nick, Delilah, and Tommy. They were as much as part of her now that they felt like they were her own children. If Nick ever fell out of love with her... Betsy paused and rubbed at her chest. If Nick ever fell out of love with her, she would never be able to walk away from them all. He would have to be the one to do it because she would never be strong enough to leave - not again.

"It's not going to happen," Betsy muttered to herself.

Then, before she could lose herself down that train of thought, Betsy bent her knees and hauled the box of decorations from the boot of her car. In the brisk winter temperatures, her breath curled through the air in plume of white mist. The box rattled in her arms. Propping it onto her hip, she reached up and pulled the boot closed. Then, once the alarm was reset, she turned her attention to the box.

It made her heart sing. The box gave off a musty scent from its many years in storage. Slivers of garish red and green tinsel peaked out from the opening and, as she walked, the contents rustled in time with her footsteps.

Despite there being only a short time until the big day, the house still did not feel festive. The decorations currently hanging around the house were tasteful but they didn't fill the home with that Christmas feel they all needed. These decorations would change that. Handmade decorations, green and red tinsel, and ridiculous Christmas statues were only the beginning. By the time she was done, Nick would be wearing a horrendous Christmas jumper and singing Christmas carols along with the rest of them.

Santa Davenport would also be making an appearance. Not that Nick knew that yet.

Making her way up the steps to the house, Betsy used her booted foot to knock on the front door. A moment later she was greeted by the weathered but kindly face of the newest housekeeper.

"Good morning, Ms Jones."

"Betsy, please!" She replied, as they had done every time they had done every time they saw one another. "Someday, you will call me by my name."

"That day is not today." The older woman replied before opening the door wider to allow Betsy to pass.

"Did you need any help?"

"No, I've got this. The others are already in the lounge." Betsy replied, adjusting her grip on the box as she stepped into the welcoming warmth of the house. A moment later the door clicked closed behind her. "Where are the kids? I've got some things for them to do later."

"They're just tidying their rooms. After all, we have guests." The older woman replied with a smile. "I'm sure they will love whatever it is."

"I hope so."

Then, taking the lead, Betsy made her way down the familiar halls to the lounge. The tree, which had been decorated by the professional designer only days earlier, had been stripped bare. The white lights had been replaced with bright and colourful lights that flashed in time with the tinny music. Tinsel of various colours were threaded around the tree. It was ugly and yet it was perfect. There, at the top of the tree, was the star which had been lovingly placed by Nick and Delilah, as was tradition. It had been a beautiful moment between father and daughter.

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