Chapter 24

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My head stings as I open my eyes. Everything is blurred and I have to blink a couple of times to regain my vision. But I immediately wish that I was blind when I see what appears before me. Long, silver bars greet me as I sit alone in my dungeon cell. What also appears before my vision are hundreds of other cells with the other female and children pack members huddled inside them. It is a horrifying sight and tears blind me from how terrified they look.

I close my eyes tightly when I hear terrible screams in my head. Gripping my hair in my hands, I shake in anger and fear as the horrible memories fill my mind.


I'm shaking in pain as I slowly get up off the filthy floor. I look up to see the boys surrounding Frankie, trying to get food down his throat but it's very hard when he has been severely beaten.

"Frankie. . ." I whisper, tears filling my eyes as I rush towards him.

"He is awfully weak. I fear that he won't make it," Thomas stresses, panic clear on his expression.

I shake my head furiously, not wanting to believe that he might die,"He'll be fine. I won't let him die."

As I say that, our cell opens and two guards step inside. One points to Frankie while the other commands that we hand him over.

I stand on weak legs between the guards and my little brother and shake my head in defiance before saying,"No. He already had a beating today."

"Move," one growls but I just push him back.

"Please, leave the boy alone. Take one of us instead," Sam pleads but is harshly pushed aside.

"No!" I yell, trying to protect my brother but he is already dragged out and the cell locks behind them.

"Raven!" he cries and I see him reaching out to me.

He is so far away and all I can do is cry as I reach out my hand through the bars out of desperation.

"Raven!" I hear him yell from one of the torture beds and I bang on the bars in vain.

"Please don't hurt him. Take me instead," I cry as I watch them beat his poor body black and blue.

Don't cry, Frankie. Just don't cry and you'll be fine. Please just hang on a little longer.

My thoughts are disrupted when a loud cry pierces around the entire dungeon and I freeze at the sound. No. Frankie, no! I begin to panic as I try to break open the cell to get to him. The boys are yelling things at me but their words are dull in my ears as I rattle the bars to get to my brother.

But, nothing works.

In the end, I'm on my knees and holding onto the bars for dear life as Frankie's dying screams sound around me.


"Raven, we're so sorry," one of the boys apologise but I'm too numb to process who it is as three sets of arms circle around my weak figure.


My thoughts are broken as numerous whimpers sound around me. I look up and glare as the leader of the hunters smirks down at me.

"You're finally awake," he states, his sickening grin taunting me.

I growl as I grab onto the bars but immediately let go when they burn me and my body falls to the ground. I clutch my hands close to my chest but look up when I hear him laughing.

How dare he laughs at my pain!

"I guess you didn't know but the bars are made of silver. You know, to keep you mongrels in line," his teasing tone irritates me.

I'll show him whose a mongrel.

Without warning, I pounce. I jump up against the bars and ignore the burning pain as I grab the fucker's collar and begin to smash his head into the bars. I only get a few shots in before he grabs my wrists and throws me back. The pain I feel is like a wave of scorching stones crashing over me but I try to ignore it as I shakily sit up. I glare at the man as he smirks at me but soon I'm the one smirking as I notice a long stream of blood flowing from his nostrils.

"Oops," I say innocently when he realises that he is bleeding.

He raises his hand to touch some and rubs it between his fingers as he stares at the dark red liquid. I'm shocked when he darkly chuckles after a few seconds and looks at me with amused eyes.

"I'm going to enjoy breaking you."


I stare out of the window at the seemingly never-ending forest. I've been worrying about Raven recently as I have no clue where she is - the other males have been worrying over their mates as well. So, a couple of hours ago, I had sent a pack member to check on the pack. This didn't seem to bring me much comfort as Raven wouldn't be at the pack house with the others. I hope she's somewhere safe.

I smile as I see him returning sooner than I expected and rush downstairs to greet him. As I get downstairs, the grave look on his face has me feeling very worried as he falls on his knees in exhaustion.

"How are our mates?" Sam asks, his tone pleading.

The man sadly shakes his head before raising it to look at me,"They're gone. The mark of the hunters was left on one of the walls. There was no one there when I arrived."

We all stiffen at his words and Sam finally snaps.

"Liar!" he grabs the tired man by his shirt and angrily shakes him in disbelief,"Tell me that it's not true!"

The other two pull him away from the scared man as I go up to him. I hold out my hand to him and he gratefully takes it, allowing me to help him up.

"Don't beat yourself up about it. Sam is just worried since his mate is also carrying his child," I calmly explain to him as I look over at Sam.

He is crying, his hands covering his face as Thomas and Harry try to console him. I know how Sam feels. I just want to fall on my knees and cry out for Raven because I don't even know where she is in the midst of this mess. But I have to stay strong as my pack needs me right now. They need a source of strength to turn to when they feel so weak in this time of grief.

"Alpha," the man calls out to me in a soft voice and I turn my attention to him,"I found this in your room, on the floor while searching the house. It's a picture that I believe belongs to the Luna."

I lower my eyebrows in confusion as I nod and carefully take the scrunched up piece of paper. Why would a picture of Raven's be in my room? She left the pack house a month ago and I don't remember there ever being pictures belonging to her; all she had were clothes. Once I open it, all that greets me is a black picture with a small, white blur in the middle. My eyes trail down to some printed out words in the corner that read:

Woods, Raven ultrasound printout
Foetus: 1 month, heartbeat healthy

There was another line but I stopped reading when the words 'ultrasound' and 'foetus' came into view. My hands shake from shock as I drop to my knees.

She's pregnant. . . 

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