Chapter 16

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I just come back from a run when I see all the pack children outside with Thomas and Raven playing with them. They're all laughing and having a good time - something Raven no longer does around me.

"Maybe I need to bash you against a wall again," Clyde spits out angrily.

I just ignore him as I head inside, trying to ignore the glare Raven is sending my way. It has been like this for nearly a week and I'm sick of it. Raven won't talk to me- no, scratch that, she won't even look at me unless it's to glare. Clyde has completely shut me out and when he does decide to talk to me, it's usually to say something snarky about how I'm a jerk and some other colourful names.

I shake away my thoughts as I head into the kitchen and grab a bottle of water from the fridge. When I close the door and turn around, Raven is standing in the doorway; her cognac brown eyes set in a hateful glare. I try to ignore her as I take a seat at the island but she doesn't give up. She comes in and takes a seat across from me; her glare still going strong.

"What?" I question in anger as I am now fed up with this nonsense.

Her glare seems to harden as she slams her hands furiously onto the table and abruptly stands up, the anger coming off of her in waves as she exclaims,"What! What do you mean 'what'?"

"You're always in a fowl mood and you are driving me crazy with your pathetic glares. I want to know what the fuck is your problem!" I lose my patience as I also stand up and slam my tightly clenched fists down onto the table.

"My fucking problem is that you took me on a date just to please your pack. I mean, I don't know if you have any brain cells but it is rather rude to do that to a girl!"

"Oh, give me a break! Why do you even care?"

She goes silent for a few moments, not a word daring to be spoken as she just stands and glares at me. At first, I think our argument is over until she breathes out a humourless laugh before speaking.

"You know, on our date - if I can even call it that - I thought you had changed. I thought you had warmed up to me but I was clearly wrong. You are just like every other arrogant Alpha out there. It's Alphas like you who think that all rogues are nothing but disgusting, untrustworthy dogs. Alphas like you wouldn't even shed a tear if we were dying a horrible death and wouldn't hesitate to rip away everything that we care about, just because of the fact that we are rogues - whether we're innocent or not."

I just give her a blank stare. I'm not sure on what I must say in this situation. Raven just stares at me, waiting to see what I'll do. But I don't know what I must do.

When nothing happens, she shakes her head in disbelief as she says in a soft whisper,"You're such an asshole."

And, with that said, she runs out of the kitchen. I just stay where I am, clenching my fists at how mad I am at myself. She is hurting. That whole speech proves that there is more to her words. Even when she called me an asshole, her words sounded heartbroken, like there was something more I was supposed to get from her words.

But I am debating whether I should go after her or not. Going after her means I have to confront what I'm feeling towards her. However, if I don't go after her, what will happen to her?


I cry as I run to wherever my legs are taking me. My chest feels like it is being ripped apart with every memory that plays in my head. All of them hitting me left and right, torturing me.


I shield a ten year old Frankie under me as vicious rogues claw at my back and bite into my flesh making me bleed profusely. I'm screaming in pain while Frankie is crying in fear. Black dots are appearing in front of me, clouding my vision, but I refuse to give in. If I go unconscious then they'll hurt Frankie.

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