Chapter 14

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My palms are sweating as I stare at Cal from over my menu. He's not paying any attention to me and instead has his focus on the specials. I can't believe we're actually sitting in a restaurant, on a date. I thought I had just imagined hearing what his mother said. But no, here we are, on a date.

He looks so handsome in his black denim jacket and loose dark blue shirt. He has on black denim jeans and wearing a pair of black combat boots. The scent of his cologne tickles my nose with familiarity and arousal. His black hair is swept back in a messy but sexy way. He really looks amazing. I got all gussied up for tonight too - wearing a white leather jacket, a black tank top, white flats and a black leather skirt. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I am wearing a skirt. I wanted to look my best for tonight so I also curled my hair and put on the slightest amount of make-up, consisting of mascara and ruby red lipstick.

I can't believe I'm wearing make-up as I find the texture very repulsive but I'm even more surprised that I'm wearing a skirt. It was either a skirt or a dress - and it will be a sign of the apocalypse the day that I am caught wearing a dress. Heck, even the boys couldn't believe it - Harry almost fainted but he was just being a dramatic idiot. However, despite all of this, for the first time in my life I wanted to not only feel confident but also. . .pretty.

But my plans to feel pretty are not working in my favour since Cal hasn't said a single word to me since we got here. I have to get the conversation rolling somehow.

"I don't believe I know your wolf's name," I state, making him look over at me.

"His name is Clyde."

Just as I was going to ask another question, our waiter comes over to take our orders.

"I'll have a bacon burger," I ordered politely.

"I'll have a double cheese and mushroom burger, please," Cal ordered.

The waiter nodded and left, leaving me and Cal alone again. I look over at him and give him a questioning look which makes him confused.

"What?" he asks.

"A double cheese and mushroom burger? You must have a big appetite," I answer with a cheeky grin.

He rolls his silver eyes at me as he replies,"I was busy with pack stuff the whole day and the only thing I ate was a small piece of toast for breakfast so you can imagine that I'm very hungry."

I chuckle at his reply and see a slight smile grace his lips. I don't know why but that smile seemed so natural on him. I like it.

"Wow, I've never seen you smile before," I state, seeing him chuckle lightly.

"A rare sight so enjoy it while it lasts," he joked. At least. . .I think it was a joke.

I chuckle at his words before taking a sip of my vanilla milkshake and I have to admit, they're fucking delicious!


I look up at Cal to see him frowning. He was just smiling two seconds ago, what happened? Is it me? Did I make him so unhappy? Why does it hurt so much when I can't make the people around me smile?

Please. I don't want people to be unhappy. Not anymore.

"W-what?" I ask, trying very hard to not cry.

"I wish I ordered a milkshake. Yours looks so good," Cal whines, sincerity in his tone.

The weight on my heart vanishes and I giggle at his words. I'm giggling more out of relief than anything else. I'm so glad I wasn't the one to upset him.

"Here, have a sip," I offer sweetly.

He takes a small sip and suddenly his eyes widen. He almost looks like a cartoon character and it is hilarious.

"Now I really wish I had ordered one, this is fucking delicious!"

"I know, right."

As we both laugh at our comments, the waiter comes over with our orders and we immediately dig in. Well, we dig in after Cal ordered a caramel milkshake.

An hour and a half went by with Cal and I talking the night away. We talked about everything yet also about nothing. It was perfect and I couldn't have asked for anything better. He was charming in a way I've never seen before. He was funny - which actually came as a shock to me. All-in-all, it has been the happiest night of my life.

After we each order another milkshake for dessert, we begin to walk back to the pack house. We decided to take the scenic route through the forest. I have to say that horror movies got it wrong. The forest isn't terrifying at night, not at all. It's actually very beautiful as a crescent moon is out tonight, shining it's soft glow on all the trees along with the soft sounds of nature surrounding us. There isn't a single cloud in a sky and I'm in awe at all the stars that stare back at me. It's just too perfect.

"I want to show you something," Cal suddenly speaks, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I look over at him and he gives me an expectant look. I slowly nod, not too sure about his words as he takes my hand in his and leads me away to another location. The sparks that ignite through my fingers from the physical contact sending sweet tingles throughout my body and I can't help but smile.

The mate bond is a little stronger now since I can feel the sparks. Does Cal feel them too?

I see Cal shiver slightly and my smile widens. He feels the sparks too. Maybe he is finally accepting me as his mate.

He suddenly stops at the bank of a stunning lake, the light from the moon making the water's surface glow. There are wild flowers all over the place and willow trees that are blossoming, all coming together in beautiful blue and purple hues. It was like something out of a fantasy world.

"Gorgeous, isn't it?" he comments.

All I do is nod while covering my mouth at the beautiful sight before me. It is indeed gorgeous. I have never seen such a beautiful place in my life. In the past, I lived in a house surrounded by pine trees as far as the eye could see - in fact, the only thing the eye could see. Even once I became a rogue and traveled almost all over the country, I was never able to find such spectacular places but maybe I never looked in the right places. So, seeing this lake in front of me feels like a wonderful dream and I am so glad it isn't.

I manage to look away from the breathtaking view to see Cal looking at me. My heart stutters slightly as he starts coming closer to me. He stops just an inch away and I almost stop breathing from how handsome he is. We both start to lean our faces closer to the each other, our eyes clashing in a glorious mix of silver and agate. My cognac brown eyes flicker towards his pale lips and I can't help but hold my breath in anticipation. Just as our lips are about to touch, a beeping noise sounds from his watch. I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion as he pulls away to turn off the alarm before sighing out in relief.

"Finally, the date's over. Now the pack can stop bugging me about not taking you out."

And, with those words, my heart ceases its rapid beats as the tingles and sparks disappear from my body; any shred of happiness and love I felt towards him is buried in the dirt along with my dignity, hope and trust.

I feel some tears starting to form as I ask,"So, you only took me out on a date because the pack was bugging you about it?"

My voice is somehow steady and it doesn't give away my true emotions; hiding the anger in my tone with curiosity.


I lose it after that as my blood boils and without warning I push him as hard as I can. This makes him stumble back and fall into the lake. He is instantly drenched and he looks up at me in shock and disbelief. I just glare at him before turning around and stomping away angrily. Tears stream down my cheeks, ruining the make-up I spent a good twenty minutes on. Make-up I wore to look pretty for nothing! To feel pretty for nothing!

He hurt me again. He fucking crushed my heart like it was nothing and I let him. . .To think I wore a fucking skirt for this uncaring beast!

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