Chapter 15

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I'm walking back home with my clothes drenched and a chill running through my body. I'm angry, cold and wet and as the pack house comes into view, all I want to do is sleep. I walk upstairs towards my room but I find that Raven isn't inside.

Groaning, I immediately mind-link Brian,"Where's Raven?"

I guess I woke him up because it took him a while to respond and - when he did - his voice sounds raspy and low,"She did return. I think she's with her friends - the two who don't have mates. I believe she told me she was going to be spending the night with them. What happened between you guys?"

My blood boils with a harsh rage as I quickly told him it was our business and then storm my way towards the bedroom I'd knew she'd be in. I can't believe the nerve of this woman. Who does she think she is?

"I think she's your mate and you made her feel like she was the piece of street gum that got caught on your shoe!" Clyde's tone was angry and I knew he was about to lose it.

My thoughts were confirmed when he suddenly took control over me and began to bash my body against a wall. He, at first, just made me crash into it but soon his movements became more enraged and violent as he took running starts before slamming me into the wall.

"What the fuck, Clyde? What are you doing? Stop!" I scream as this self-inflicted torture continues.

"I'm going make you feel every bit of pain she feels. Her wolf is heartbroken and so is she. You hurt her, the person you're supposed to love with every fibre of your being. I'm going to show you just how much pain you are putting her through."

His rage is seems never-ending as he keeps storming my body into the wall. Over and over again until the pain is causing my ribs to bruise and fractures to start appearing. After almost half an hour, Clyde allows my body to become my own again and the full extent of the pain hits me like a truck. I can't even begin to describe how badly my body hurts and I collapse to the floor in agony. It feels like I just crawled out of a battlefield. I wait for my body to heal - which takes a good hour or so - before managing to finally stand up.

I make my way to the room Raven is in and quietly open the door. When I look inside, I'm shocked by what I see. Her friends - Harry, Thomas and even Sam - are lying on the large king-sized bed with Raven safe between them. They all have their arms wrapped around her while she is lying on top of Sam - who is in the middle. But that wasn't the shocking part. The shocking part is the tear stains on her cheeks that are very prominent from the moonlight shining through the window.

She was crying?

"Yes she was because of you, you asshole!"

I block Clyde out, not needing his input as I stare at them and at how peaceful she looks. She's never looked like that around me but - then again - I never gave her a reason to be peaceful with me. I sigh as I walk over and gently try and pick her up. The keyword is try because as I was about to pull her towards me, she whimpers and her friends immediately wake up, their arms tightening around her. They look around before their eyes land on me, which turn their worried gazes into fierce glares.

"Get the fuck out!" Harry whispers loudly with hatred in his tone.

I can't believe someone as immature as him can have such a scary side.

"I just-"

"You just nothing! You hurt our Sissy. That makes us have every reason to not allow you to even lay a finger on her," her other immature friend, Thomas spits out, his tone harsh and his words like a silver dagger.

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