20. Welcome or Not- Nadia

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The next day, Ferdinand arrived to let us know that the LeClaire's had gladly offered me a place to stay with them. They'd arranged for Ferdinand to sleep in what had once been a study, and moved his parents into his bedroom, leaving Katya and I to share. It meant I could leave just as soon as we finished tea and I had packed.

After tearful goodbyes with the Lephards and promises to visit as often as we could, Ferdinand and I whisked down the road toward the LeClaire's home. I'd packed my belongings, with my new dress and shoes, into a small case Hannabella gave me and which now swung at my side. It hadn't been much, but it was more than I had owned even in Rumonin. I felt practically Flaunsian with the ribbon tied around the case's handle, a straw hat over my hair, and my new shoes clicking against the stone. Ferdinand's mother and sister had seen to his new wardrobe, and I finally saw what a true baron looked like. He wore a powder pink suit with a blue tie and brown hat, and I couldn't help but think he looked like an actor on a poster. So fanciful and handsome, he seemed almost untouchable.

The short walk to the LeClaire's was filled with nervous chatting and giggling, and I knew I must seem like a silly girl. Yet, my nerves jangled and I couldn't keep still. I held his hand, swinging it between us, and feeling a delicious thrill when people watched as we passed. I imagined them insanely jealous of my handsome Ferdinand. Perhaps they were dying with regret that they were not young and happy and out on a marvelous stroll on a fine day.

When we arrived at the LeClaires' home a few minutes later, no one was around to greet us. Ferdinand explained that this was normal in the morning, and took me to a room on the second floor that was small, but expertly decorated. Two beds were pushed up against one wall, under windows looking over the road, and covered in cloudy white blankets. Katya's perfumes, creams, magazines, and jewelry had already taken over most of the dressing table and drawers, but Ferdinand swiped items and clothes out of the way with the confidence of familial relations, and helped me arrange my belongings in their places.

I took the moment to hang up my outerwear in the wardrobe by the door. As I placed my coat on a hook, my curiosity got the better of me and I had to examine the other clothes hanging by its side. There were gowns made of pink ruffles or sparkling fabrics, coats with large bows and shining buttons, and hats with wings and flowers in boxes. I blinked in the overwhelming presence of such fashion. I'd, of course, seen Hannabella's highest quality wardrobe, but these were youthful and daring clothes. They were not made with expense in mind, but rather with how different one could possibly be each time someone saw one. They were things a young woman wore to catch men and impress the other debutantes.

I ran a hand down a yellow plaid dress, wondering how it felt so soft, when a bang from the room startled me so much that I stumbled forward and crushed the skirts against the back of the wardrobe.

Ferdinand's sister stood in the middle of the room, her eyes narrowed, the picture frames on the wall by the door still vibrating from the force she used to close it. Ferdinand was bent over the bed on the right, storing my trunk underneath.

"Hello," I stammered to Katya, edging away from the wardrobe and her wrinkled gowns.

She looked at me for a moment, before turning as if I hadn't spoken and walking over to Ferdinand. "Mother says she'd like for you to come down to play cards."

He straightened up, dusting his hands on his pants and turning to look at me. "Do you know any games, Nadia?"

"I'm not sure..." I clutched my hands in front of me, trying desperately to recall any card games. I hadn't been allowed to talk to the girls in the corps much, back in Rumonin, and Mr. Lennox certainly never played games with me.

Ferdinand stepped over to take my hands in both of his, stilling their nervous twisting. "Don't worry. We can teach you anything you don't know." He grinned, bending to kiss the tip of my nose.

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