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"How did you get the keys to my room?" I ask, Aaron's fingers lightly brushing my back while zipping up my dress.

"I have been here before, for Nate's dramas and stuff, so I knew this room is booked for the lead of the show, to calm their nerves or jerk off or whatever."

I smirk, "Are you indirectly telling me that Nate jerks off in this bed?"

"In the bathroom actually, I would never place my butt on that," he makes a gagging motion.

"What about my butt?"

Aaron shrugs, "your body, your choice."

"That's...that's not how it works babe."

He tilts his head back and grins, "I love it when you talk smart to me."

"Aaron do you have a humiliation kink?"

He slides a palm over my cheek and leans in, "No but I have a you kink."

His kiss is sensual and sweet in the middle and I lean into his touch. If I open my eyes, I know I will be able to look at bite marks all over his neck, which he very politely assured me, all the five times that I asked him, that it doesn't hurt. I didn't really mean to go all animalistic on him in my throes of deep passion.

"Do you want to talk about why you lied to me?" He whispers against my mouth and I audibly sigh.

"Didn't think I'd forget after one round of sex, did you?"

I let out a deep breath and smile up at him. He's more than a head taller than me so he ahs to be around six feet. I bite back a smile.

"I think you might need to sit down for it," I swallow a lump in my throat as he pulls me between his legs, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Tell me everything."

I cant him look him in the eyes, when he starts hating me aagain, I cant look at him when he realises that I am a coward. I look down at his lap and begin. The whole story comes rushing out of me in one go and he just patiently sits there and listens. The only indication is the tightening of his hands wrapped around my wrists. By the time I am done there are tears down my face and I slowly, scared for my heart, look up at him.

"Lexie, baby look at me," Aaron tightens his voice, "Lexie."

If I look up now, I know I will be break. He hates me, he hates me, oh god he hates me.

"Lexie," Aaron sighs, before getting up and wrapping his arms around me, "Why didn't you tell me before?"

He holds me so tightly that it squeezes out everything inside me, and I am overflowing and unleashing on the crook of his neck as he rubs a hand up and down my back. We stay there for a decade.

"You-you're not mad?"

"God no, of course not, but I do wish you would've told me."

I look up at him, "What?"

Aaron leads me to the edge of the bed, and keeps my hands pinned in his lap, "Do you know what happened? The whole story?"

"No," I say hesitantly.

"Last year, after the Harvard game, in which they lost, around five or six of their players broke into our umm, a bit of an illegal party."


"Yeah nothing big, we were just celebrating on campus. With no supervision or allowance. And alcohol."


"Yeah so, they broke in and all of us were really badly shit faced so it's not like we were acutely aware of our surroundings -terrible mistake, I know. So they got in and one of them had a hockey stick or something and long story short Logan saw one of them about to hit Dean on his knees with it and in the heat of the moment, Lo crashed his beer bottle on the guy's arm and he went toppling over to the fountain, the hockey stick hit the porcelain ducks – you know the ones right?" I nod my head and he continues, "Yeah so one of the ducks cracked, it definitely wasn't vandalism, well I guess it was a little bit, but nothing that bad."


"Oh you know how it goes after that, Harvard saw it and started jumping on Lo, well only one of them did and I went over, drunk off of my fucking mind trying to drag Lo away when the campus security saw us."

My face must have given away the horror because a chuckle escaped him.

"Yeah so apparently he ahd already called the Dean and you know how it must have looked right, Logan and I drunk on the fountain with a broken duck and two Harvard guys, shit drunk while a raving party is going on behind us."

"The hockey stick on Dean should've gotten that guy a year or two in jail," Maybe a bit of an exaggeration, I am not a law student.

"That's where you Dad came in. He convinced the Dean that a huge police case would look bad on the college report and so thought the Harvard authorities as well, so all four of us were let go with just two weeks of community service for partying on campus grounds."

"He did what?!"

"Your dad lied to you love, I wish you would've told me sooner."


Sorry for the small chapter, I have my exams from next week, it fkn sucks :(

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