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"But then he had the audacity to call me a spoiled child!"

"You threatened to cut him up with your car keys," Aaron points out.

"Because he wouldn't let me see you!"

I think it's safe to say that I need an attitude adjustment. And the stadium needed to change their security guard for the players' locker rooms.

"Lexie," Aaron shakes his head, "Sometimes you scare me."

"I don't, shut up!!"

"Imagine if you actually had iron nails instead of your half-eaten ones you try so desperately to not eat," Hunter snorts.

I make a show of clawing his face out and hiss, "I can do a lot of damage with these half-eaten nails too, you ass."

"Alright!" Aaron clamps his hands on my shoulders and steers me away from Hunter, "retract your claws, tiger."

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay," I pout.

"Aww, how heartfelt," Logan says dryly.

I think Aaron knows me well, because no sooner do the words leave Logan's mouth, than Aaron wraps an arm around me, blocking me from Logan's path.

"Say that again and I will rip your throat out," my voice comes out as a snarl and my anger is starting to concern me.

"Aren't you a bit more feisty tonight?" Ellie asks.

"My darling," I give her a saccharine smile, "I am always feisty."

"Should I worry about getting my face scratched tonight while I sleep?"

"Yes, you should."

"Logan, I am sleeping at yours."

Logan gives a heartfelt laughter as he pulls her closer to him, the familiarity of the action sending a jolt through me. I look up and see Aaron typing away at his phone, one arm swung around my shoulder. I wrap my arm around his waist and snuggle in closer. He gives me a small smile before going back to whatever he is texting.

"Who are you talking to?" I ask my curiosity taking the best of me.

"My dad," his voice is strained, "Letting him know we didn't win."

"Is he going to be mad?" I ask, softly.

"Isn't he always?" he forces a dry chuckle and my heart goes out to him.

"Should I take a key to his throat too?" I offer.

He says nothing and instead tucks the phone in his back pocket and squeezes my shoulder. I can feel the loss of the game rolling off of him. It's in his eyes, like a shroud covering the glimmer which is usually there around me. His shoulders are hunched down and there's a shade of exhaustion under his eyes.

I know he's thinking of that one moment which cost him this game. It was hard to miss it. He collided with a BC player and they both went flying down so hard I am surprised none of them threw up their guts. I had my heart in my throat and I would have barrelled down the bleachers, had Ellie not yanked me back.

So, I can come to the conclusion that I do not have an attitude problem, I was just worried about Aaron and the security wouldn't even let me go meet him. Spitting something about security and safety at me. Apparently there's a problem of safety even though you're from the same college as the players.

"Why didn't the security let you in?" Aaron asks a while later.

"Said something about security and stuff," I mutter embarrassingly.

"He probably thought you were some manic fan or something," Aaron suggests.

"Excuse me, what?!" Hunter stops and clamps his mouth shut, "They took me for a fangirl?"

"You are his personal cheerleader, though," Logan points out and I almost burst apart right there.

"The only fangirling I do, is after fictional characters," I announce defiantly.

"You also fangirl about Aaron."

"I do not, shut up! He's annoying."

"Ouch," Aaron feigns hurt and puts hand over his heart, "Here I thought you actually liked me."

"Shut up."

"But weren't you cheering him, like an hour ago?" Ellie smirks at me.

"Is that so?" Aaron flashes me a million dollar smile that has my insides doing flip flops on a rainbow.

I grunt an incoherable response and shoot daggers with my eyes at Ellie, "It's not my fault. It was just a cheerful atmosphere."

"Sure it was," Hunter snorts.

"All of you are a pain in the ass" I grit my teeth and get the words out.

Aaron squeezes my shoulder, "What's gotten into you today, babe?"

"I hate security guards!" I mutter and Aaron's laughter carries me to the car.


Filler chapter, sorry.

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