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One of the first people I had a crush on was Enrique Iglesias and Winona Ryder. I was nine and I'd sit and watch both of them for hours on end. So much so that my mom got bored because I literally wouldn't watch anything that they did not star in.

I had every single Enrique Iglesias song memorised and I was the biggest Johnny and Winona shipper. I was in love with them. I thought when I'd grow up, I'd dress like them, act like them, find a love like theirs.

And here's the thing. No matter how many Enrique Iglesias music videos I see or how many times I see Winona Ryder and Johnny Depp, nothing could've prepared me for this moment. It's like seeing all of your hottest fantasies come to life at this exact moment, every single one of your wildest kinks taking shape.

When Aaron walks out of the backstage, with his shit eating, girl-you're-about-to-drop-everything-you're-wearing-right-now grin plastered on his face and the flame red trunks fitting every edge perfectly, I can feel my ovaries bursting. Everything else is just white noise and if I thought Aaron was ripped before, boy was I brutally wrong! He looks like he spent the last forty eight hours doing nothing except working out. He is shredded down to a T.

His tan skin is glistening in the golden light and it's a sight to behold.

 "Why is he so shiny?" I ask Ellie.

I mean, I get that he has a darker tone, what with his being half Mexican and all and God really took his time with him and added all the good genes in his genetic makeup, but it looks like he's wet or sweaty.

"He oiled it."


"He oiled himself! Look closely, it's very obvious."

He looks wet yes, but I don't think he'd willingly oil himself, it's not like he wants to be marinated like a chicken. Besides, the idea of oiling one's body to please sexual gaze creeps me out. Did anyone force him to do it or did he do it himself? I swear to God, if someone forced him, I'd slam dunk them across the continent!

"Do you think he was forced to oil himself?" I whisper to Ellie.

"What?" She looks bewildered, "Why would you say so?"

"I don't know, don't you think it's a little weird that he has to oil his naked torso in front of so many people?"

"That is literally the whole point of a swimwear line."

"I know, but..." I bite my lip and shrug.

"Look, once he comes down you can ask him about it, but for now, does he look the least bit uncomfortable or forced to you?"

I take her advice and fortunately, Aaron looks like he's having the time of his life up there. His green eyes are sparkling with amusement and he's deliberating sucking in his stomach, and walking lazily.

"It's the way he walks I tell you," I swoon beside Liam, "Has me walking side to side."

"Haven't tapped that yet."

I ignore his comment and continue ogling my man. He's literally so hot it's unfair, no wonder he wins this shit every time; he's absolutely made for modelling. He moves like a drizzle, so soft yet so smooth. The swimming trunks was definitely a brilliant idea because he looks edible in it.

When he's halfway through the ramp, he locks eyes with me and very slyly- and very obviously- winks at me, which has my insides turning to a gooey mess. Everyone follows his gaze and their eyes land on me. I do not miss the daggers thrown my way but then again, miss me with that jealousy shit.

I stick my tongue out at him which has him blooming in laughter on stage. From the corner of my eyes, I spot Jade fuming at me and her red hair amplifies it. Not my fault Aaron doesn't like her, now is it?

"Can I hear it for Aaron!" Rick shouts into the mic, bursting open I don't know how many blood vessels in my ears, "Are you ready for him?!"

Oh I definitely am. More than ready.

Bouts of ear-splitting shrieks courses through the room and I spot Jade eyefucking Aaron from her seat. The blood in my veins isn't red. It's the bloody crimson of spitfire. The audacity of this woman to go after a man who's very apparently taken; or maybe it's not apparent enough.

A brilliant idea pops up in my head as Ellie says, "I know that look, you're about to do something stupid."

Liam smirks, "When is she not doing something stupid?"

I don't hear their comments because my mind is buzzing with just one stupid idea, flashing inside a light bulb like some cartoon animation. I plaster a sly smile and yell, "100 dollars and end this!"

For a moment there's a stunned silence and I wonder if I went a little overboard with it. 100 dollars is a lot and I don't want to be seen as a rich girl with no care for money but only for her raging crush on a guy. But I am a rich girl with no care for money and a raging crush on a guy. Thankfully the money's ending up for a good cause.

"100? Alright, any-"

"120!" a shrill voice pierces through the cword and I am about to dig iron nails into Jade's eyes.

I slam my fist on the table, "200 dolllars! Pack it up!"


Please vote and comment! Also phew, how long I have been waiting for Aaron. Ngl they make up for my dry-ass sexual life right now and anytime I catch myself daydreaming about my future soulmate, atleast now I can tell myself it's about the book ;)

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