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"So you're saying it actually had the desired effect?"

"Yes," I mutter distractedly while trying not to stab myself in the eye with the mascara wand.

"I can't believe you actually agreed to kiss him though," I can see Ellie shaking her head behind me in the mirror.

She's sprawled up on the bed, and I just finished telling her the incidents of the Richards household, although I kept the details of Papa Aaron's behavior towards his son to myself. Something about it seems personal to Aaron and I do not want to share it with Ellie.

I did, however, tell her, about the stupid decision I made when his hand was in mine, "I can't believe it either, it's like the logical part of my brain fried up at the exact moment."

Ellie lets out a soft giggle, "Look at you talking about kissing him. You didn't even want to see his face and now, you're agreeing to kiss him without someone convincing you to."

"I am not kissing him, El," I sigh. "It's never going to happen."

"I don't think so, you are moving fast with each other."

I snort at her response, "Hold your horses chica, I am not marrying him."

"Well," she changes the topic, "Do you know how Nina knows your mom?"

I shake my head no at her question.

"Did you ask your Dad about it?" Ellie rolls over in the bed so that she is lying on her stomach and her head is hanging down the edge.

"No," I put a coat of mascara, before answering, "I am supposed to call him today so I'll ask him then. It's not like I am going to get a solid answer, yet I will ask him."

"How do you think she knew her?"

I wish was my mom was here so I could ask it herself, but she isn't. She died when I was twelve from blood cancer. I still remember her laugh, the way she was so brutally carefree, reckless up to an extent. Dad says that is what drew him to her; but as you got to know her, you could see that she was also fiercely protective of the people she loved and would not let any harm befall upon them. I miss her.

"Maybe they both were undercover agents, and they worked for the Italian mafia," I smirk.

"Shut up Alex," I can see rolling her eyes through the mirror in front of me.

I give a short laugh, "Or maybe," I turn towards her, "They were sisters and found that out a lot later in their lives."

"Is your mom Latin?"

"No, she's Italian."

"End of the topic, then," Ellie says dryly,

"They could've had different Dads!" Grandma would kill me with her cooking tongs if she heard me right now.

"You are making no sense."

"El," I swipe a dark pink lipstick on my lips, "think about it, it all makes sense."

"Let it be, ask your Dad. Tell me about Aaron," She sits up straight in the bed and giggles.

"What are you? A thirteen-year-old?"

"You're so judgemental," Ellie throws a pillow at me and I duck a second too early, Thank God, "Aaron. Spill."

"Well," I put the lipstick tube back in the case and go up to the bed, "he's this guy in my class, kinda cute but definitely annoying, he has green eyes an-"

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