Explain- chapter 5

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Hey guys, it's been a minute! I've been wanting to write something, but haven't had the time. But since I had an hour tonight, I figured I'd do a quick update on a story I don't give enough love to! I'm hoping to get a more regular updating schedule soon, but for now, enjoy the random updates!-A.B.

David's POV

What the hell just happened?

Confusion and sadness warred with each other, while an angry wolf lurked under the surface right along with them.

He called my mate his. His.

He was taken from me before I ever got the chance to know him.

No, I can't think like that. I still have a chance, he hasn't been mated yet, or I would have known, and even then, I would have challenged the for the right to claim him.

My head was filtering through what I could do to win my mate over, when Nala came out into the hallway and saw my distress.

"His name is Grayson." Said answered a question that I had complete forgotten about asking. "He's 17, 18 next month. He's a member of a local pack, a Beta's son, if I remember right."

"Why was here?" I asked, my voice a lot quieter than I intended.

"Today? He had a seizure at work, stress induced. He'll be okay, he's had them before, and he's always taken care of after."

"By that thief of an alpha?" I practically growled out. Maybe I don't need to win my mate over, maybe that wolf is keeping him against his will. I need to talk to my mate and figure out what I can do to help him.

"I don't know if I'd called Hunter Moore a thief, but I suppose from your perspective it's a pretty fitting name. He's the head of the McBane pack's son, and if I'm honest, he might be the only person in Grayson's life who's actually caring towards him." Nala said, sounding like she was uncertain, that she didn't want to believe the words she was saying.

"What? What does that mean?" I felt a pitiful mew from my wolf at the thought of him mate being uncared for. He was so special to him already, and the thought made him want to chase him down and comfort him.

Nala looked down the hallway, making sure no one was ease dropping on the conversation. When she was satisfied, she continued, "Look, I probable shouldn't tell you this, and if I didn't see the look in your eyes when you saw Grayson as your mate, I wouldn't be." She lowered her voice at the next part. "Someone, I'm not sure who, is hurting Grayson. I don't know the details, and Grayson refuses to tell me anything. The one thing I do know is that he's insistent that it's not Hunter, which I'm starting to believe. He's been the only one to pick Grayson up from the hospital and ask about home care and medication, and Grayson never seems really uncomfortable with him."

I didn't love the idea that my mate was getting close with someone else, but I found it hard to be mad at someone who I hadn't even met, and the only thing I know about him is that he's been taking care of my mate when I wasn't able to. It eased the anger, but an ache took its place.

What if Grayson wants to be with him instead of me?

Again, I can't think like that, I have to at least talk to him first, and give him the option. I wouldn't force a mating if he was happy with someone else, it would hurt like hell, but if it made him happy, I would live with it.

The growling wolf reminded me of the other part of what Nala told us. Someone was hurting Grayson.

The anger swiftly returned.

"Who do you think is hurting him if it's not Hunter?" I asked.

"If I had to guess, I would say someone from his pack. Someone he sees regularly enough, every time he's been to the hospital, he has a bruise or two. But it's not just physical stuff. You saw how thin he was, and every time I've seen him he has dark circles under his eyes. There's something serious going on, and I can't do anything without breaking Grayson's trust. " she sighed deeply, like the explanation alone was wearing her out. "I don't know what to do. I hoped Grayson would take me up on the offer of letting me get him some help, but that just seems to stress him out more. But maybe that's where you come in."

"What?" I asked. I was almost certain she was going to say that I would just be another stress for him. That another man coming along and claiming to be his mate might make him lose his mind.

"I've been trying to think of ways around going behind Grayson's back, but now you're here, claiming to be his true mate. And I've seen true mates find each other, and they had the same look in your eye that you had with Grayson. He might not know it yet, but you were made for him. And hopefully, you can help get him out of whatever trouble he's in." Nala stated, some hopefulness coming into her voice at her thought.

She was right. I'm his mate, I should have been the one helping him from the beginning. But it didn't matter, I was here now, and I'm going to do all that I can for him.

"One more thing." Nala adds, "Grayson, he's a natural omega."

And with that, things just got a whole lot more complicated.

Hope you all liked it even though it's kinda short. I've been trying to figure out how to pick this story back up from where I left off, so I hope this worked out okay. Let me know what you think and thanks for reading!-A.B.

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