Chapter 3- Grayson

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Oops, been a while for this book, hasn't it? 🤔 I'll make this pretty short considering it's 4 am and I've written two book chapters tonight 😭 enjoy!- A.B.

(How I pictured Nala above. Let me know if you wanna know the models Instagram and I'll let ya know!)

Grayson's POV

My foggy brain was accompanied by a dull ache in the back of my head, and I heard the all too familiar beeping of a monitor by my side, which really only meant one thing.

Another grand Mal seizure.

Damnit, this is the second one this month, my boss is gunna be peeved.

I mean, it's not like I can control them, but a stressed out coffee house manager doesn't care about that.

I push that train of thought aside for now, and begin to listen to what's going on around me. I hear several people, but they're all just kind of garbled nonsense right now. But then, a familiar voice breaks through them all, and then a weight settles on the side of my bed, "Hey, gray, how ya feeling?"

I crack open my eyes, and am immediately greeting with a blurred vision of bright blond hair. A couple more blinks reveals the man I expected.

"I'm fine, I think. You didn't have to come all the way here, I know you're busy, Hunter." I say, adjusting myself the best I can in the hospital bed.

He gives me a sad smile, but even though I know he means it, I can't help feeling it's just for show. He reaches for my hand and gives it a squeeze, "Of course I came, you are my mate after all." Hunter says, almost as if he has to remind me of that fact.

A little over a year ago, he claimed I was his mate, but I of course would have no idea if he was lying or not, as I won't be able to truly scent him until I'm eighteen, which won't be until a month from now. But I have to figure, if I wasn't his true mate, why would he put up with someone as pitiful as me?

I turn up a sad glance at Hunter, "Can you take me home? I wanna go to bed." I say. After a seizure I'm always tired, but I know I won't be able to leave just yet. I look over to Nala, my usual nurse and a member of Hunter's pack, knowing what she's going to say next.

"Not quite yet, sweetie. Hunter, David, could you give us a minute?" Only then did I realize that there was another person in the room with us. I look to where Nala's gaze was, and was met with one of hottest guys I've ever seen.

Tanned skin, dark hair, light eyes, and an inch or two over six feet, whoever this David was was doing well for himself. One thing I didn't appreciate about seizures was the dulling of my werewolf senses that usually comes along with them. I had to take a hard sniff to realize he was a wolf also. It was kind of obvious with his physique and all, but I wanted to be sure, it was always good to know who you could come too with werewolf problems in an emergency.

After several seconds of both men ignoring her, Nala hardened her gaze, which finally forced both men into the hall, where Nala shut the door behind them.

Now the fun part, "What's the damage?" I say, trying to make us both a little less uncomfortable.

She smiles as she reads off several things from a piece of paper, the only things I understood being "Stress induced" and "got lucky". That seems to sum me up pretty well, honestly.

"Not gunna do anything, right?" She asked, glancing to the leather cuffs around my arms to keep me on the bed.

"I'm good. Besides, even if I did, those two hunks in the hall way are gunna stop me real quick." I say with a mixture of mirth and humor. I had tried to leave several times on different occasions, and injured myself one other; getting anxious and being on some different medications makes you do some stupid stuff.

She seemed satisfied with my answer, and undid the cuffs much to my relief. I rubbed my wrists and settled myself upright in the bed. "Let's get this over with." I say, knowing what's going to happen next.

"Grayson, you know I have to ask. When you come here strapped to a bed because of a stress induced seizure, looking how you look, emaciated and bruised, what else am I supposed to do? Just let you go?" Nala says, clearly pained. "You know people can help you, if Hunter is hurting you-"

"He's not." I cut her off. It was true. Hunter might be an asshole at times, and yell at people a lot, including myself, but he would never hurt me. Wether it's because he really is my mate or because he's trying to fool me, I don't know, but he's never laid a hand on me before, so I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.

She signs again. She's been my nurse ever since the seizures started, she's been great, vouching for me all the time, not letting me be sent to a psychiatric facility like others have suggested. She cares, which is a good feeling, without her I'm not sure I'd still be here.

"Even if it's not Hunter, someone is clearly hurting you. If it's not hunter, it's someone in your pack, and something needs to be done about it before you get seriously hurt." She said, getting her mom voice out. The pack I belong to neighbors Hunter's pack. As far as Nala Knows, it's just some random member of the Corin pack, my pack, abusing me here and there, and that's all she needed to know. I don't want her getting involved anymore than that.

"You might not value you're health, but I do, and almost any wolf you ask will say the same things. Natural born Omegas aren't that common anymore, Grayson. You need to be taken care of." Nala says.

I can't say anything else about this, I don't want her digging into things anymore than she needs to. "I'm fine, Nala. You did your responsibility as my nurse to ask if I need help and I said no. Are we good now? Can I please just go?" My voice cracking a little at the end. Keeping up this facade that I'm fine is getting harder by the day. I'm just so damned tired, and I hate lying to Nala.

She nods, and reminds me that I can always call her if I need anything at all, which I say yes too, even though I know I never will.

I brush away some tears as I enter the hallway, and see the two men sitting in the waiting area just down the hall. Both stand immediately upon seeing me, Hunter has a knowing look, understanding that I'm tired and this always happens when I come to the hospital. But to my surprise, the other doctor guys, David, is looking at me with and an even deeper sadness, one that his striking blue eyes convey vividly, along with some underlying anger that I don't understand the origins of.

I shake that thought away, know I'm just seeing things that aren't there. Why would he care? He's just a doctor, one of whom I haven't even officially met yet.

I ignore the way he watched my every move, and I found myself walking right into Hunters outstretched arms. I don't return the hug he gives me, I just say in a weak voice, "I wanna go home."

"Of course, Gray." Hunter replies, kissing me on the head and turning us to the elevator.

I turn around one last time, just to confirm my thoughts, and sure even, those lightening blue eyes never once stop staring at me.

Goodnight, guys! Let me know what you think in the comments below! What's up with hunter? 🤔 I'd love to hear your guesses! Hope you enjoyed!-A.B.

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