Chapter 6-Natural

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Hey y'all, I'm baaaaacckkkkk! Not gunna lie, it felt so good to write again. It's been forever, and I feel like a lots changed since then. I finished another semester at school, been working consistently, and chopped off half my hair, and oddly enough, I feel fantastic! I've decided this year is for me first, world+others second. Why should I put 100% into things I'm not excited about? So I'm not! My timing will always be inconsistent, but I'll always come back, because nothing makes me sadder than an author who gave up. Enjoy some David!-A.B.

David's POV

"You've got to be shitting me." That was the first thing that came to mind when Nala told me that my mate, my sweet and young mate, was something people fight, bribe, hell, even kill for.

A natural omega.

Omegas come about one of two ways. One, the most common way now a days, is one mate submits to the other, allowing one to take the leadership role, and the other to be an omega. This satisfies our wolves inner desire for hierarchy, and a lot of pairs choose to do it, as the only other alternative is for neither if you to submit and be in a constant battle for dominance. Nothing usually changes between the paid as humans, but it seems exhausting letting your wolves go at it all the time.

And two, a natural omega, one who's born submissive and pretty much requires someone to submit to. They can have babies within either gender, and tend to be smaller and weaker. Because of this, their wolves are a lot more anxious and flighty, but with an alpha, they become more relaxed. Thinking about it now, what Nala told me about Grayson added up with him being a natural omega. With his already anxious nature, and if someone was abusing him, there was no question why he was having stressed induced seizures, werewolf or not. And because he's omega, he would naturally seek out an alpha to latch on to to protect him. Him being smaller is supposed to attracted the stronger wolves, but instead in his situation it has made him vulnerable, and his desire to be protected has put him right in the arms of a man who's taking advantage of that.

I'm sure my emotions were easily read,because as I turned to leave the room, Nala grabbed my arm to stop me, "Whatever you're wanting or planning to do right now, don't."

"And why the hell not? That bastard is taking advantage of my mate, a natural omega no less, and you want me to sit on my ass and just let it happen?" I was pretty damn sure whatever she said, it was gunna stop me from letting my wolf take over and follow the bastard wherever he was taking my mate.

"I didn't say that. But I know whatever is going on in that wolf driven brain right now probably isn't safe, logical, or in the best interest of Grayson." She let go of my arm, but only because I turned to face her directly when I replied.

"His best interest? That man is an imposter trying to steal my mate!" I all but yell. I'm sure anyone walking by in the hall thought I was some crazed patient.

"And if he is, he's kept him alive when you couldn't!" She yelled right back.

I opened my mouth to reply, then swiftly such it as no reply came. Even my wolves hackles dropped. We couldn't argue, because she was right.

Whatever was going on, we weren't here when Grayson needed us, but Hunter was.

It didn't quite extinguished the angry heat the filled my body, but it definitely loosened up the fog that came over me in my rage.

"I'm sorry, I know it sucks, but you have to think about it from Graysons point of view. If someone from his old pack is hurting him and mentally abusing him, and some alpha comes along and claims he's your mate and offers you a way out, there's no other option." She went and sat down in the guest chair by the bedside and rubbed her hands over her face. When her hands moved, she continued, "Look, I get it, I know more than anyone he needs help. I'm not sure why Hunter can't just take him into pack custody if he thinks his "mate" is being hurt, but he hasn't. I've been raking my brain since I first saw the signs of his abuse for ways to get him out, and there's nothing I can do if they can't find fault with his guardians, and if he doesn't want help. It's a rough situation, but with you, I think we might be able to actually make some progress. But we have to do it the right way. No teeth out and guns blazing, got it?"

I didn't like it, but it made sense. With everything she's telling me, it makes so much damn sense it makes my stomach hurt. "But how? You already said Hunter has a relationship with him, what chance do I have?"

"Well, how I see it, you have two advantages. You're his real mate. Even without being able to scent you, he should have some sort of draw to you, and you're wolf will comfort him in a way a fake mate never could." She explained.

"And the other advantage?" I asked.

"You're an outsider. To him, you'd just be a concerned resident who wants one of his first patients to get better. You get the chance to be his friend first, get to know him, show him what a real mate feels like. He's mentioned before he's had some doubts to if Hunter is his real mate, but Hunter hasn't had any competition until now. Hopefully, With some trust set up, he'll tell you what's really going on."

I didn't have a better plan, and I like I said, I wasn't gunna sit on my ass and do nothing.

It was fun getting some world building written down and some storyline set up. This book feels like a little comfort world to me, it feels like going back home in a way lol, so what better book to end my accidental hiatus with? I'll try to post more again soon, but I'm currently cooking up three new stories and working on finishing up Universal auction book 1, so I'm a little busy! Let me know what you thought in the comments, enjoy!-A.B.

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