Chapter 1- Scent

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Whaaaaaat??? I'm actually updating????? Lol, it's been a minute since I've updated, and I've finally decided I'm gunna start posting chapters of "His Fear"!!!! I've re-written this first chapter so many times and I'm still not totally happy with it, but I want to get this book going because I have ideas for another 2-3 books in this series. I can't wait to hear what you guys think! (Also, when I type like "this" it means it's a thought, but when I type like "this" it's a wolf (like in all of my stories 😊) enjoy!!!-A.B.

(Toni muhfud as David in the above photo ❤️)

Today's gunna be so fucking great.

I was bustling with excitement all night, I was barely able to sleep. Well, actually, I didn't really sleep, but that's something I'll worry about later. I tried laying in bed for as long as I could, but when I checked my phone and saw there was another hour until I needed to start getting ready, I decided I wasn't gunna be able to get back to sleep.

I hop out of my bed, and walk over to one of the many boxes littering my room. Moving half-way across the country is a pain in the ass, but I'm certain it's gunna be worth it. Opening a box labeled "clothes for dresser" I pull out a pair of sweat pants and dog around for a moment before finding a gray t-shirt.

After getting dressed and brushing my teeth, I decide to kill some time by putting clearing out some boxing by putting things away. Enjoying my werewolf strength, I grabbed several boxes and placed them by my dresser. Signing, I begin to put things away.

It's so weird to think about, the fact that in a few hours I would get to begin such an amazing chapter of my life. It's crazy to think I went to school for eight years, all leading up to today, where I finally get to start my residency. Today's probable gunna be one of the best days of my life. My smile began to fade at that thought. For most werewolves, the happiest day of their life is their eighteenth birthday, when you could usually find your mate.

It's been eight years.

When I didn't find them on my birthday, I figured maybe they were just in another pack, and that I would meet them eventually. I was too excited for school that I didn't have time to worry about finding them right away. But when the years began adding up, my hope of finding a mate was dwindling. Mates were something special, something that once you lose it, you'll never get it again. But in my case, what happens if you never get one to begin with?

Shaking my head to rid myself of those thoughts, I stood, taking inventory of the remaining boxes, I decided I did enough for today. After a brisk shower, a light breakfast, and three cups of coffee, I change quickly into my scrubs. After a quick drive to the hospital, I parked in the practitioners section of the parking lot.

Walking inside, I'm immediately encompassed by the familiar scent of a hospital. I enjoy it for a moment, but quickly continue my walk to the section of the hospital I was told to go in the email I received. After I exit the elevator on the third floor, I spot a lady at a desk, typing away on her computer.

I walk over to her and stand in front of the desk. After standing there for several moments and her not noticing me, I clear my throat, provoking a glare from the lady. "May I help you?" She asked, almost emotionlessly, as she began typing again.

"Yes, hi, David Hollister, I'm a new resident working under Doctor Rollins and-"

"He's in room 352, he'll have a nurse get you settled in, and here's this." She pushed forward a small laminated tag. I was a little surprised by how mundane she did these things, like today wasn't one of the most exciting days of my lives. I reached out and gripped the tag, and looked at it. I was still slightly upset with the fact that they used my drivers license photo, but I can't complain too much, my mother has taken far worst photos of me.

His Fear (boyxman)Where stories live. Discover now