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Outfit of the chapter is in the
media above because I hate
taking too much time describing
outfits when I can just use photos
from pinterest.

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       With the Bird Observatory being closed for renovating, Tomomi had the weekend before the camping trip to stock up on items and to shop for more clothes. So Momo and her decided to shop together before the weekend. Which turned into a big shopping day for most of their friends.

    Once the two rich girls planned the day, Tomomi invited the rest of the girls along, to which they accepted wholeheartedly. Midoriya asked if he could tag along, seeing as he had no plans for the weekend. They allowed him to come with them.

    Tomomi also invited Tokoyami and Bakugou.

    Tokoyami accepted the offer while Bakugou stated he had plans with Kirishima and Denki that weekend. Much to her dismay.

   Bakugou had been acting very distant towards her and then out of knowhere, he'll act like nothing was wrong. She hoped that someday he would trust her enough to tell her when something was bothering him. Which she could tell something was bugging him everytime she looked at him.

   When the weekend came, Tomomi went with Shoto to visit their mother ( which she was happy to see the twins together ) in the morning to spend a couple of hours with her before meeting Momo and the others at the mall in the middle of the city.

    "Sorry if I'm late." Tomomi said, fixing her Chanel purse on her shoulder. "I had to visit my mother first before coming here and traffic got bad on the way."

   "No worries," Midoriya waved off, stuffing his hands in his jean pockets. "I just got here, myself."

   "So did I," Tokoyami added..

   "Okay, since we're all here, we can start our day."

     Only 30 minutes into the day, the girls stayed together in every store they went in while Tokoyami and Midoriya followed idly behind, making their own conversation. Occasionally butting into the girl's conversation when it was about something they could contribute.

   After a while, half of the group split to go in different stores. Tomomi, Momo, Asui and Uraraka went into a girl clothing store while the rest stopped inside of a small supply store nearby.

   "I think Katsuki-chan has been acting weird." Tomomi said, looking at two different shirts. Not sure of which one she wanted all while thinking about Bakugou. "He's been avoiding me, for some reason."

   "Maybe he's going through something." Uraraka said, noticing what she was saying.

   It was true, Bakugou had been acting rather suspiciously lately. He would always act like he was hiding something from Tomomi whenever she was near him. He would look away whenever she looked at him and he seemed more grumpy than usual.

   "You really think something could be going on?" Tomomi asked, looking at her with worry. She didn't want anything to happen to him.

   "Or he could be acting strange because he likes you." Asui said, as honestly as she usually was. "He does show characteristics of liking someone."


   "He is always protective of you." Momo pointed out. "He's always getting you lunch at school, he would tell all of us no but will tell you yes for anything you asked him to do."

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