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and we are back! How is
everyone? Okay since last
chapter? Again, I'm so
sorry for the tearjerkers
but not to worry, the rescue
team is on the way.....

which also means something
drastic will happen involving

But a friend gave me a really
good idea on how to go about
rescuing Bakugou and about
Shimesu so, this will be the last
sad chapter.

or sad-ish, depending on how
you look at it.

But also, the healing proccess
will begin very soon.

don't forget to comment
and vote.

         It was all over the news the next day. It has been exactly two days since Tomomi was pronounced missing and Bakugou was still under the League of Villains watch. For Tomomi, it felt like years.

    The snow hadn't let up and it has now reached Seoul, South Korea and was now slowly spreading through Asia. Roads continued to be buried in ice, businesses had to close down and the police searched hard to look for where they took Bakugou.

   At this point, all Tomomi could do was think. The only way she could hear her own voice was to think. As she fell into a state of unconciousness, she felt at peace for the first time since all of this has happened.

         Tomomi opened her eyes and noticed she wasn't in the room she thought she was. Instead, the place around her was bright, cold and made of......ice?

   She found that she could move her arms and legs and that she wasn't chained to a metal table. Slowly raising up, she looked to see she was laying on a table also made of cold and solid ice.

   "H-Hello?" She called out, her voice sounding normal. Hopping off the table, she began looking around herself. The room looked like a surgical room but way less dark and more bright and pleasant.

   There were furniture made out of ice and it had a small window behind her. Looking out, she saw there was a snow storm going on.

    "What is this place?" She whispered to herself.

    "You are in a coma." A light and warm voice spoke behind her, making her jump and spin around to face whoever it was. "Or in a state like coma but you are able to hear everything while you're here."
    She saw a woman behind her. She had very long hair, it reached to her knees. Her hair was pure white. Like snow. She was wearing a long and light blue flowy dress with flowy long sleeves over her hands. Her eyes were the exact same shade of blue as hers and her mother, Rei.

    In fact, looking closer, she looked like an older version of Tomomi. If she was 36 years old. Yet she was so beautiful and youthful looking if she was really close to 40.

    She smiled at her in a warm manner that reminded Tomomi of her mother's smile. "Tomomi....It is nice to meet you, finally."

   "I would say the same thing to you but I don't believe we have met." Tomomi said, still very much confused. "Who are you?"

   "My name is Yukina Himura." She bowed her head a little, being as graceful as a royal.

   "Himura?" Tomomi mumbled, recognizing that name. "You're last name is Himura? As in-"

   "Yes, I am your great grandmother." Yukina answered for her. "times 4, actually."

   Tomomi couldn't believe she was seeing an old ancestor of hers in her state of dreaming. She was so beautiful. No wonder she reminded her of her own mother. This was a lot to take in, already.

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