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comment and vote. It is
always appreciated....

Now we are closer to the
Sports Festival arch and I
have to ask, who should
Tomomi fight in the Fesitval?

for now, people from different
classes only. ...

Also, a crush is way different
from loving someone and
Tomomi will be the one to realize
her crush on Bakugou way sooner than
he will acknowledge his feelings

I just think it would be cute to
see her attempt to show she has
a crush on him and he's oblivious
at first.

( by the way, to get a feel of how
Tomomi's hair looks when it's wavy,
It looks exactly like Eri's hair, the middle
part and loose waves, just to let you know )

Listen to the song CRUSH by Tessa Violet
That is literally Bakugou and Tomomi's
theme song. ( amongst other songs )

      When Tomomi and Shoto got home from school, she did her homework and then decided to do a little research. Which consisted of her watching a multitude of romantic comedy movies in the living room. She was unfamiliar with the feeling of romance and having crushes but she wanted to know why she seemed to always feel her heart beat fast whenever he was around her.....

     Or why she seemed to catch herself staring into his volcanic red eyes longer than a friend should. She knew what a crush was but she didn't know how to deal with these feelings. She learned how to make friends through movies, surely she can learn what to do with a crush the same way.

    Fuyumi walked into the living room as she fixed her glasses. She paused when she saw her younger sister glued to the tv. There was a familiar high school romcom playing. Tomomi looked as if she was analyzing the actor's every moves. From the shy glances and smiles to the gift exchanges. It was honestly so cute to her to she Tomomi so curious about something like that.

    She often forgot how much she missed out as a child because of their father.

   "Hey,  Icyhead, whatcha watching?" Fuyumi asked, sitting next to her on the couch. Icyhead was an old and cutesy nickname Fuyumi gave to her and it stuck within the family ever since.

     "I don't get it." Tomomi mumbled, sighing as she sat back. "It's not telling me anything I need to do."

   "What is?" The older sister asked, wondering what was on her mind.

    "I have been feeling...strange lately." Tomomi confessed. "And it only happens when I'm around Katsuki-chan."

     Fuyumi slowly started to smile after hearing those words. It all made sense. The romcom, the slight blush on her face. Her baby sister has a crush on this Katsuki kid and she doesn't know how to handle it.

     "Awww, somebody's been bitten by the love bug~" She teased, poking her cheek. "You're experiencing your first ever crush, Icyhead."

    "Crush?" Tomomi questioned, thinking about it. So that's why I have mini heart attacks around him?

"Does that mean I love him?" She asked, looking at her older sister with curiosity. "I think I'm too young for that.

    "No, no sweetie." Fuyumi corrected. "It just mean you really like him. Maybe that like goes beyond friendship but it's not love yet. A romantic gesture, yes but you gotta like someone before you love them. That's how it works."

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