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i'm gonna leave the
cute dates to the special
chapters later on...

above is how her dorm looks
i cant draw it out so i'm using
photos and then i'll jus describe
what else she has in it. I want
to change it from the one i had in
the sleepover special.

i want to finish up this

By the way, for those who do
fan art of tomomi, i will be
making a book to showcase
some i've received after this
book is done.

also for a visual reference,
Tomomi's hair looks exactly
like Eri's hair. Same middle
part and everything but Tomomi's
hair is longer than hers and she
sometimes straightens it.
She does not have bangs or

do not be a ghost reader
please comment and vote.

you are appreciated and
loved. in case no one has
told you that

happy reading!!

         After four more days, Tomomi was officially discharged from the hospital. She was feeling great, all things considered, and she missed her home. Fuyumi picked up the twins when she was cleared to leave later that morning.

   When Tomomi made it home, Fuyumi told her that she would make her favorite dinner that night. Which was cold soba. So it was a win for Shoto, also. Natsuo couldn't make it because he was in the middle of getting ready to go back to college soon. But he did promise to see her when he had time to visit.

   The rest of the night, Fuyumi, Shoto and Tomomi ate dinner and watched movies until 12 am. Tomomi went to bed after a while, though. She was feeling dizzy and tired from the medications she had to take so she wanted to sleep.

   Around 3 am, Tomomi woke up to get a glass of water. She quietly left her room and walked to the kitchen. Thinking she was the only one up, she jumped a little when she turned on the lights and saw her father there, sitting at the table by himself.

  It was a shocker to see him up this late. Given the fact that he was always an early sleeper and was strict on having an actual bed time.

   Her face turned emotionless as she walked over to their electric cooler and pulled out a water bottle. Before she left, Enji spoke to her.


    She paused and turned around to face him slowly. She leaned her back against the wall, deciding to see what he had to say. "Yes?"

   He remained silent, not even making eye contact with her. His eyes remained on the glass of water in his left hand. Tomomi still remained where she was because she was curious about what he had to say.

   He didn't even visit her in the hospital but he did send flowers. Angry about that, she told the nurses to throw them away immediately. He couldn't even visit her, so why should she take his gifts?

   "I....I just wanted to tell you.." He trailed off, now looking into her eyes. "I know I was a terrible father to you."

   Her face remained stoic. Not showing any type of emotions. Just numbness. A while back, she would have probably gave him a sarcastic remark before leaving him alone.

   But now, she was just tired of it all. She didn't have enough energy to even argue or be a smart ass to him.

   "I just wanted to tell you that...You may not believe it....I don't blame you if you don't," He said, playing with the glass a bit. "I, from now on, will be a way better father to you.....I've had time to recognize everything I've done....Everything I've caused in this family....And I don't want to be that anymore.....All I ask is that you forgive me."

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