|Twenty Two: Movement|

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They dined in her sitting area, deciding it was less formal than the dining room she often used with other guests- her parents, for example. The two wizards resided in a townhouse just outside the borders of the city, almost crossing the line between here and Moonlight City. Her decision to live in the city center was almost made for her because of her job. It made commuting back and forth from work far easier. 

As if reading her thoughts, Sam couldn't help but ask as Celeste set down dinner on his lap, "So what do you do?" It was an innocent question, of course, something that most people deemed appropriate to ask in general conversation. Sam had been asked that plenty of times, answering with the same boring sentence explaining he was a student, but also a bartender. Perhaps if someone asked him now, however, he would have a different response. 

There was an exchange of cautious glances between the wizard and the vampire, before Cassius shrugged innocently, as if giving her permission to take the reins on this one. Confused, the angel raised an eyebrow at his lover who only leaned back on the settee, throwing an arm over the back of the seat in a casual manner. 

Celeste finished chewing the bite she'd taken from her roast chicken, swallowing before giving her friend a sidelong glance. Sighing, she answered with, "I'm a dancer." A dancer? That's what all the fuss was about? Why were they so scared to share that with him? 

"What sort of dancer?" He probed, seeing the smirk curve onto Cassius' lips from the corner of his eye at the question. She shot him a glare, eyes narrowing to daggers that perhaps were sharp enough to damage even an immortal being such as Cassius. The angel's fingers gripped his fork tightly, stabbing the cooked piece of meat that looked to have been prepared to perfection. Either she had used her magic to create this delicious meal, or she was just an extraordinary chef.

He only let out a breathy laugh. "Go on Cel," He encouraged, standing to his feet and leaving the room. At his disappearance, Sam squirmed, suddenly uncomfortable that he'd been left alone with the wizard despite her kind hospitality towards him. He imagined Cassius stayed over quite often anyway, but it still meant a great deal to him. It was probably dangerous for her to be doing this, as Sam was now wanted in the magic realm, as though he was some treasure being hunted by pirates with a giant map filled with all the possible places he could be hiding. And Celeste had a giant 'X' marked on her forehead. 

The vampire returned a moment later, glass filled with red liquid and a colourful, striped straw. Sam gulped, a little queasy at the sight. He forgot about the boy's special diet, that he really did drink blood to survive. He hadn't even realised that Celeste had only brought in two dinner plates for them, allowing the vampire to tend to his own dietary requirements. However the fact that she had blood in her fridge attained to the fact that Cassius spent a lot of his time here. Jealousy coursed through his veins at the thought, but he immediately shut down the thoughts of them together. 

"You told him yet?" Cassius asked with a smug smile as he sat back down, sipping from his straw, lips wrapping around the tip just as it had Sam's length. The thought, the memory, had the angel's breath hitching. It seemed the vampire knew that too, as he brushed his knee against Sam's, followed with a gentle stroke of his fingers on his thigh before the touch disappeared again, vanished like it never happened. 

If Celeste sensed the tension between the two, she didn't let on as she rolled her eyes and announced, "I use my magic to dance, seduce, and then pickpocket. Is that what you wanted me to tell him?" Guilt and embarrassment flashed in her eyes, the metal of the fork she dropped clanging against the ceramic plate. Sam flinched at the noise, but Cassius only snickered. 

"And you make a hell of a lot of money doing it," He added. 

"Coming from a Prince," She retorted. 

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