|Five: Take Yourself Home|

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When Cassius returned home later that evening, he was greeted by his father who was sporting a rather menacing look on his old features. In his forehead were giant wrinkles, the lines between his brows more prominent due to his deep scowl. It was in that moment Cassius thanked the lord he didn't age. He couldn't imagine growing old and looking like his dad. 

"Why did I receive word that you have been frolicking with the humans during daylight hours, and almost exposing our kind in the process of getting caught by an angel?" Dracula asked calmly, voice laced with bitterness. Behind him he saw his sister appear, lips curved upwards into a smirk as she watched her brother get into trouble. 

"Well you see," Cassius began, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he tried to come up with an excuse or lie. "I don't have a reason why. What I can say is that I wasn't caught and I didn't expose our kind. And I wasn't frolicking... I was simply taking the car out for a drive." 

A deep growl escaped Dracula's red stained, chapped lips as he thought about how badly this could have gone. "Why Cassius, why would you risk going to the city during daylight hours when you have access to the entire magic realm?" The elder vampire asked, seeing his son roll his eyes at the words he had uttered many times before. Cassius was always ignoring instructions, and disobeying the rules that were put in place only to keep him safe. Going into the human city at night was okay (they had to eat after all), but any other time was dangerous. If he were to be caught by an angel, that would be the end. He may have been killed by an arrow, or even worse, captured and burned at the stake. 

"The magic realm is so boring. And everyone there is so weird," Cassius whined childishly, groaning when his dad scoffed. 

"It is not boring. You have not given it a proper chance as you are too busy breaking the rules," Dracula snapped back, causing Claudia to snicker behind him. A glare was sent her way from her brother, his golden eyes glowing in irritation. 

"I'm a vampire. Why do I have rules?" Cassius questioned, though he'd asked this hundreds of times before. Every time he was caught doing something stupid he would hear the same lecture, and he would ask the same question and receive the same answer. Sometimes he wondered if it would ever change. No way could he be stuck living like this for eternity, running from angles and hiding in the shadows. 

"We have rules regarding humans and angels, two species you should not be mixing with unless they are your breakfast, lunch or dinner. If you travelled to the magic realm like every other vampire, we would not be having this discussion," Dracula pointed out, seeing Cassius roll his eyes. 

"Yeah Cassius, come out with our friends tomorrow night," Claudia offered. 

"Why the hell would I want to do that?" Cassius remarked. 

"Because Theo is coming, and you wouldn't want to be left out, would you?" She smirked, seeing her brother huff in defeat. She was right. There was nothing Cassius hated more than missing out. He wanted to be everywhere at once, know what everyone was doing even when it didn't concern him. Despite him not being the best in social settings, he still liked to be out no matter what. Staying home made him want to die, and that was hard since he was immortal and all that. 

"Fine, I'll come," Cassius gave in. 


"Why did I agree to this again?" Cassius asked as he watched his wizard friend coat his hair in hairspray. Once again, he had powers so why did he bother manually fixing his appearance? Cassius hated waiting, so any unnecessary time Theo took to get ready had him itching to leave even more. 

"I don't know. I was gonna invite you, but then you pulled that shit in front of Sam and I decided against it," Theo told him harshly. 

"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" Cassius groaned, seeing his friend shoot him a disapproving look. 

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