|Twenty Four: Drown|

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Someone ran a delicate finger over the span of his wings, sending a shiver down his spine. His hands were cuffed, metal chains heavy and weighing his arms to the ground. The wall he was slumped against felt cold on his back, jagged rock scraping the soft feathers of his wings. When they'd first led him here, he thought Queen Odessa was going to leave him to fester and die, starve and kill him for his precious angel blood. 

Instead she'd fed him a warm, hearty meal, and one of her many obedient minions was grooming him like a fucking dog. At first he had lashed out at them, cursing them out, yelling profanities that were a far cry from angelic. But he eventually gave up when he realised it was no use. He wasn't sure how long he'd been in the cell. A few hours maybe? But nobody had come to take his blood yet. 

Dust particles began to drift up his nostrils, causing him to sniffle and sneeze, the faerie next to him scuttling away in disgust. Glaring, he sarcastically remarked, "And what? You faeries don't fucking sneeze?" 

They blinked at him. 

He shook his head incredulously, wiggling his toes in his black shoes, just checking he was still functioning. Why Odessa insisted on having this nuisance of a servant sit and stare at him for hours was beyond him. Maybe she was afraid he would somehow find a way to escape, but he wasn't even thinking of trying. This was the deal he had made. A few pints of his blood for her magic to open that door for them, for Cassius. 


Sam gulped. 

What was she doing to him? Was she torturing him, replaying events that took place years prior? The image was so clear in his mind, making him sick to his stomach despite never having witnessed it. However whenever he even considered harm being inflicted on Cassius he felt a stab in his side, reminding him their souls were connected, whether he liked it or not. Innately he cared about the vampire, who had wormed his way into Sam's life and managed to get him into this ridiculous situation. 

But still it didn't stop him from smiling at the thought of the Prince's stupid smirk, his golden eyes, his mischievous stare that screamed 'trouble'. 

Claudia saved him from Odessa the first time, but who would save him this time? He didn't know if Cassius was okay, or if he was simply waiting it out just like Sam. But he supposed he'd find out eventually, even if that meant coming back as a ghost. Did they even exist? He had yet to ask. 

"Hey," He said, catching the faerie's attention. A pair of pink irises fixated on him, wide with fear and uncertainty. A smirk graced the angel's lips, despite the fact he was in chains, before he asked, "Are ghosts real?" 

"I-I don't-" They stammered. 

Sam snorted. "Forget it," He mumbled. "You gonna drain my blood or what? It's getting cold in here." A chilled wind blew through the cell, his eyes glancing to the tiny, rectangular window cut out of the top of the wooden door. The lock was made out of steel, and the clanging noise echoed down the halls when the door slammed after two guards hurled him inside and chained him to the wall. 

A tiny, dim bulb hung above his head, remembering how it became even darker when one of the faeries told him to spread his wings, the span of them touching either side of the wall of the small cell. 

"Soon," the faerie whispered, gaze so intense that Sam was forced to look away with a gulp. How would they do it? Would they slit his throat and wait for him to bleed out? Would they do it in private or would they force Cassius to watch him die? Surely they weren't that sadistic, right? 

"Soon?" He probed. 


He huffed. "Do you have a name?" 

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