ⅳ. jacob

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The next morning, Diana had laid in bed for a long while. She watched the sunrise, and felt at peace, in the quiet of the morning, when the world was still. She was currently staying in what she had assumed was Edward's old room, and she loved the view of the forest.

She eventually rolled out of her bed, got dressed, and showed up at Bella's house before Charlie had left for work. The man answered the door, surprised but pleased to see someone waiting for Bella.

"Good morning sir," Diana said, reaching out her hand, "I'm Bella's friend, Diana."

"Oh, good morning Diana," Charlie shook her hand, "I'm Charlie."

Not knowing what crazy event Bella had in mind for today, the girl had dressed in slightly ripped blue jeans, a black tank top, and a sweatshirt, she tied it all together with her beat-up, black converse.

Charlie invited Diana inside to wait for Bella, "Can I get you anything? Water?"

"Water would be great! Thank you," Diana smiled and took a seat at the table.

Charlie noticed that Diana walked tall and sat up straight, and his hope for her friendship with Bella dwindled, she seemed very... posh. He got out a glass, "Your welcome."

After getting Diana's water, Charlie sat down across from her, "So," he cleared his throat, "-how are you liking Forks?"

Diana smiled, "It's not quite my cup of tea, but I like the woods."

Charlie smiled back at her, his hope for her friendship with Bella came to light again, they both disliked Forks and that was a great start, "I think Bella feels the same way."

Diana nodded and took a sip of water. There was an awkward moment of silence before Charlie cleared his throat again, "How is she doing?"

Diana's brows raised, "I assume you're referring to the breakup?" Charlie nodded.

"Well, this is only my second week in Forks, and I just met Bella last Monday, so she hasn't confided in me too much, but I think she's healing... slowly but surely."

Charlie nodded, and sat back with a sigh, "I didn't think these types of things would affect Bella so much." Diana offered a questioning look. "I mean, when she was younger she didn't seem as boy crazy as the other girls, even when she first came back last year she didn't seem like she really needed anybody."

Diana nodded in understanding, "If I may, Chief Swan-," Charlie interrupted her, "Please, call me Charlie."

Diana smiled, "If I may, Charlie, sometimes it doesn't matter if a girl is 'boy crazy' or not, it doesn't matter if she needs someone or not... as soon as the right one comes along there's a connection."

Charlie sat quiet, so Diana continued, "Girls like Bella, and myself I might add, are fine without a boy, but that just means that when we spend our time with someone, it's not just for fun. We spend our time wisely. Maybe it wasn't love but, whatever it was, it was strong, and it'll take time and effort on her part to heal."

Charlie sighed, "I guess."

Diana frowned, "I think, despite how bad she seems, it could be a lot worse."

Just then, Bella entered the kitchen. Diana knew the girl had been listening at the stairs, she knew or maybe hoped, that her words had struck something. Bella did need to put forth a little more effort into healing herself. She needed to try harder.

"Good morning," Diana smiled and nodded towards the brunette.

"Good morning. Are you ready for today?" Bella asked.

"As I'll ever be."


The girls pulled up to a cozy house and a boy, looking to be sixteen, came out of the garage nearby. He had a huge grin on his face as he jogged over to the duo, "Bella! Where've you been, loca?"

The boy hugged Bella, twirling her around, then placed her down again. Once he saw Diana his brow raised, questioningly at Bella, "Who's this?" he asked.

The boy was handsome, Diana had to admit. His smile was very inviting, and his eyes were warm, but his tan skin worried her slightly. She could feel it in the air when they first opened the doors of the cab, the reservation was not a place she was welcome.

"Uhm, Jacob, this is my friend Diana, Diana this is Jacob." Bella introduced the two.

"Pleased to meet you, Jacob," Diana reached her hand out and shook Jacob's.

"The pleasure's all mine," Jacob smiled, he seemed to like her.

Diana nodded. She managed to keep a smile on her face, even through her anxiousness, as her eyes swept the woods. She bit her lip and turned back to Jacob, "I'd hate to be a bother, Jacob, but could I use your bathroom?"

Jacob shrugged, "Sure, it's just inside, down the hall, first door on the left. Don't be freaked by my old man, he probably fell asleep with the tv on again."

Diana chuckled, "No worries, thank you."

Diana left the two and entered the house with no intention of going to the bathroom. Instead, she started looking for Jacob's 'old man'. She did find him in front of the tv, but he was not sleeping.

When he saw her, he looked confused but managed a smile, then under further assessment, he realized something was wrong. His questioning gaze turned into a cautious glare, "Vampire." he stated, his face darkening with anger.

Diana swallowed, fear setting into her bones. Yes, the man couldn't shift anymore but, why wouldn't he have someone who could, nearby? She nodded slowly, "Sir, my name is Diana."

His glare was unchanged but he made no move to say or do anything, so Diana continued, "Sir, if I might sit with you, I think there are some things we should discuss," she said.

There was a moment of silence, Diana could only focus on the man's heartbeat so as to not go insane. He sat, very still, glaring at her with a burning hatred. But, and Diana could hear it in his heartbeat, he was confused.

He had every reason to be unsure, Diana doubted that any vampire had ever come to him like this before, she didn't know much about the Cullens' relationship with the shifters. What she did know, was that if she ever saw her brother again she'd kill him for not warning her about the damned dogs.

The man shifted in his seat, "I suppose we could converse, civilly." His glare remained but he seemed to have relaxed slightly.

"Of course, I'm not here for violence, I promise." Diana didn't think her promises would mean much, but she was playing whatever card she could to get on this man's good side.

The two took seats at the table, and Diana took in a breath. There were indeed many things to discuss.

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