ⅹⅹⅸ. forgiveness and family meetings

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Diana hadn't left Paul's side since returning home. He was incredibly angry she had endangered herself, practically tossed herself into a near death experience, and he demanded he stay with her. So, she brought him to her small house in the woods and they spent the night laying in bed entangled in each other's embrace.

"I still can't believe you tackled him, we gotta have you spar with the boys one of these days," he chuckled, rubbing her knuckles. She smiled, happy to be home.

"I'll beat all of you with my hands behind my back," she teased.

Paul rolled his eyes, "Sure thing, Sugar."

There was a lovely moment of peace, as the owls outside hooted, and the crickets chirped. Then, Diana sat up, "It's gonna be strange," she sighed, pulling her hair over her shoulder. Paul sat up with her, twirling strands of her hair with his index finger.

"What is?" He asked, softly.

"They're back."

He dropped his hand and furrowed his brows, "What'd you mean?"

"I mean," she paused and turned towards him, "I always figured they'd come back, but I thought when they came back, I'd be leaving..."

Paul nodded, and Diana sighed, "And now that I'm not, it's just gonna be strange living so close to all of them again, especially my brother."

Paul was quiet for a moment. With all that Diana had confided in him, everything she told him and explained- her brother's anger made sense, but he couldn't imagine ever hating her so much he could remove her from his life.

Then, Paul realized he wouldn't ever do that to her, no matter how mad he got, he swore to himself he'd never leave her, "Well, I'll be here for you, always."

Diana smiled and leaned in to kiss him, before she could reach him though, her cellphone rang. She laughed at his annoyed look and pecked his nose, before getting up to answer the call.


"You all know what Edward wants. And you know what I want. But I won't force myself on you..."

Bella had called, and Diana was slowly beginning to regret answering. She made Paul stay home, not quite ready to bring him around a family that wasn't quite hers, but now she regretted not bringing him along. She felt all alone, without him.

But Bella had wanted to have a 'family meeting' as she phrased it, and though she knew how much Diana didn't consider the Cullen's family, she knew that she considered Diana family and that was all that mattered.

"I think the only fair way to handle this is by vote," Bella said, wringing her hands nervously.

"You can't be serious-," Edward tried.

But Bella interrupted him, "This is my meeting, Edward."

Diana chuckled at Edward's frustrated form sitting back in his seat. He hadn't spoken to his sister since the group got back, and Diana was slightly annoyed. She knew she didn't just deserve his forgiveness but, especially considering what happened at Volterra, Diana figured she had at least earned his civility.

Bella faced the family again, "However this turns out, I'm not letting the Volturi hurt you. I'll go back to Italy alone-"

"The hell you will," Emmet interrupted this time, "I'm not missing another fight. I heard you were awesome," he said, turning and pointing to Diana.

Diana chuckled and shrugged, "I try."

Bella smiled a little, "Then let's take a vote... Alice?"

Alice jumped up and hugged Bella, "Like you're not already my sister. Of course, yes!

Bella's smile widened. Jasper rose, but kept his distance, "I vote yes. It'll be a relief not to want to kill you."

"Um. Thanks... Okay, Rosalie?"

Rosalie, torn, looks at Edward who's just staring at her, "Edward, I'm sorry for what I did. I really am. And I know you're not ready to forgive me," she turned and looked to Bella, "But this isn't the life I'd have chosen for myself. And I wish there'd been someone to vote no for me. So... no."

Bella took Rosalie's words with grace, nodding in understanding. But Emmett didn't hesitate to bound over and lift Bella into a bear hug, "I vote hell yeah! We can pick a fight with these Volturi bastards some other way."

After Emmet had set Bella down, Esme approached her, "I already think of you as part of the family. Yes."

"Thank you, Esme."

Carlisle looked towards his adopted son, "Edward-," but Edward stood and interrupted him.

"You can't go along with this, Carlisle, you know what it means."

"You've chosen not to live without her, which leaves me no choice. I won't lose my son."

Edward sighs and looks away. Then, Bella turns to Diana.


Edward suddenly looks up, like he forgot she was even there. Diana swallowed and turned from Bella to meet her brother's gaze.

It was quiet as everyone waited for Diana's response, quiet as they watched the siblings communicate nonverbally.

Edward looked ready to kill, so Diana looked down and let loose the thoughts she couldn't say out loud.

"I will never be able to tell you how sorry I am, because words won't cut it. And I know that my answer to this will anger you even more, and again, I'm sorry for that. But I will no longer live in fear of your anger, of your hate. All I can tell you is that I'll always be here when you need me, and... I'll always love you."

Diana looked up to see Edward's gaze soften. Diana thought she saw him nod, just slightly, but he didn't say anything. So, she turned to Bella and smiled, "Do I even need to say it?"

Bella rolled her eyes, and nodded, "That's the whole reason I called you, you once told me no."

Edward looked hard at his sister, "You said no?"

Diana nodded, "She asked me to change her a few weeks ago... I said no."

Edward nodded slowly, "Has your answer changed then?"

Diana hesitated, then stood and hugged the human girl, glancing over the brunette's shoulder at Edward, "Yes."

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