ⅹⅹⅵ. crossing lines and jumping pixies

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Jacob was driving, Diana was star gazing, and Bella, who sat between them, was wearing a dry fleece jacket, and still shivering. There wasn't much talk, Diana was lost in her own thoughts. She could feel that something was wrong, something was very wrong. She couldn't have explained it if you'd asked her, she just felt... wrong.

Getting tired of Bella's shivering, Diana scooted away from the girl, hoping to warm her from a distance. Jacob pulled Bella close, wrapping an arm around her, "Hundred and eight degrees over here," Jacob chuckled.

Bella tucked herself into him and let out a sigh, "Must be nice, never getting cold."

Jacob shrugged, "It's a wolf thing."

Bella shook her head at him, "It's a Jacob thing. You're just... warm."

Sensing that the two were about to have a moment, Diana scooted even further away. She tried her best to zone out. She stared at the stars, wondering why her friends always felt the need to third-wheel her. She could just stop hanging out with them, but then, uncomfortable what ifs ran through her mind and she sighed. That wasn't an option, not yet at least.

Diana's zoning out seemed to work, because all of sudden as Jacob turned onto Bella's street, he got excited, "There are other cool things about all this, like; I heal fast. Wanna see me stab my hand?"

Bella glanced at Diana who had closed her eyes in frustration, "Yeah, cause that would be fun."

Jacob was still laughing as the truck pulled up to the curb. Diana sighed in relief, she could be with Paul again, shortly. Jacob was still holding Bella close as he shut the engine off.

"So... this wolf thing's not all bad?" Bella asked.

"It's better. Now that you know. But...," he trailed off.

"... but...," Bella said, expectantly.

Jacob sighed, "It just... comes so easily to me. More than the other guys."

"That's a good thing, isn't it?"

Jacob nodded, "Maybe. Or maybe it makes me less... human than the others-," he paused, and Diana looked over to him, "Sometimes I'm scared I might... disappear, you know? Lose who I really am."

Bella faced him, looking directly into his eyes, "I won't let that happen."

Diana noticed their faces were close... and they stayed close for a long moment. She rolled her eyes and looked away, having decided that she hated both of them; Bella for leading the poor boy on, and Jacob for being so determined. They could kiss, their lips were near enough... but Bella heard Diana clear her throat, and she blinked herself back to reality, pulling away.

"Thanks for driving - for everything," Bella said. She scooted over to Diana and nudged her to open the door. As Diana pushed open her door, a breeze wafted in and Diana stiffened. Jacob reacted and abruptly pulled Bella back into the truck, he reached over Diana and slammed her door shut, starting the truck.

"There's a bloodsucker out there."

Bella started looking around wildly, "How do you know?"

Diana shrugged at Jacob, "I don't recognize it."

"I can smell the stink. I'm getting you guys out of here." As Jacob whipped the truck around, the headlights illuminated a black Mercedes, parked in front. Bella spun to the rear window as Jacob floored it.

Bella let out a gasp, "Stop! It's not Victoria-," she said. But, Jacob was past discussion.

"Forget it."

Bella swatted his arm, "It's Carlisle's car! They're here. Go back!"

Jacob shook his head, "It's a trick."

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