ⅹⅸ. laurent

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Bella had wanted to go alone, but Diana wouldn't allow it. So, after plenty of arguing, the two stepped into the clearing together. Bella felt hopeful she would see some sort of sign- a sign that he was real, that their love was real.

Diana only wanted to catch just a glimpse of her brother's happiness, something she hardly remembered seeing anymore, but as Bella's face fell, she realized she wouldn't be getting any closer to her brother than she was now.

In contrast to the warmth of Bella's memory, the meadow was cold, gloomy, and cloudy. Diana glanced around, feeling her heart begin to break for the fragile girl next to her. All the flowers were dried and dead. There was nothing happy about this place, and it didn't look as if there ever was.

Bella closed her eyes, and Diana realized it must've been too painful to see. This meadow seemed to be the life of Edward and Bella's love, so, when her eyes opened again on the empty, overcast meadow, Diana couldn't find words of comfort.

Bella sank to her knees, tears threatening to spill over, and Diana about knelt beside her friend- but then she heard a noise. It was distant, but mobile, as if something, or someone, were running towards them.

There was another noise, much closer by and Bella turned towards it, though nothing was there, or at least nothing was visible. Diana, however, stared hard at the same spot. She could smell the unknown vampire, she would be ready to defend Bella. When another area of bushes rustled and Bella spun toward it, Diana kept still, growling low in her throat.

She hissed and bared her teeth as a man slinked out of the darkness. Bella turned abruptly, ready to run as the duo had discussed previous to their little adventure, but then she recognized the vampire. He stood before them, dark skin, dreadlocks, and ruby red eyes. A dangerous stranger to Diana was almost a friend in Bella's eyes.

"Laurent?" Bella asked, she seemed pleased to see him. Diana, who still had no clue who this man was, and held no trust in Bella's preferred company, hissed again and moved in front of Bella shielding her from his hungry gaze.

"Bella," the man nodded in reply, though he was staring down Diana. "I must admit, I didn't expect to find you here." He said suddenly, decidedly ignoring Diana.

"I live here. But you- I thought you were in Alaska with Carlisle's friend?" Bella seemed almost hopeful that he could bring about something, anything to reassure her that their world was real and that she had been a part of it.

"Tanya. And I was, it was kind of him to arrange, given my association with James and Victoria." His gaze traveled up and down Diana's figure, like a predator accessing its prey. Diana growled, her heartstrings pulling and straining for Paul. Her eyes narrowed and she side glanced at Bella, glaring at the human.

"You tried to help us," Bella said, her happiness to see him started to fade and Laurent began to stroll in a slow arc around the duo. Diana felt another growl rising in her throat, she understood the gleam in his red eyes as they hungrily assessed Bella. 

He took a moment to hold Diana's glare, seemingly sizing her up. Then he went about his stroll, "I went to visit the Cullens, but their house is empty. I'm surprised they left you behind. Weren't you sort of a pet of theirs?"

"Uhm... something like that." Bella hesitated, glancing around the meadow. Diana hoped she was searching for an escape route.

"Do the Cullens visit often?" he asked, raising his brows at Diana, who was still holding his glare.

"Yes we do," Diana chimed in, "All the time, actually."

At her words, Laurent suddenly seemed interested in her, "You're a Cullen? I haven't met you."

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