The Half Demon

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[ Raven ]

" I will rule this inferior planet and everyone shall fear me. You and your friends cannot stop the inevitable."

" Weakling!"

" Disgrace!"


I woke up from my sleep as my breathing started to go back to normal. It was hard keeping him locked away whilst doing my usual things. I sat there on my bed as I collected myself to stay calm before heading to the toilet to wash my face and freshen my mind. I went to the rooftop just as the sun was about to rise to meditate. It was one of those times where I felt peace and serenity all around me, while the others are still asleep. Meditation helps me control my emotions, focus my powers and ultimately keep Trigon locked away in his prison. Safe to say it's a necessity for me to be up here every morning.

As I was up there meditating, I heard the faint sound of a garage door opening and the hum of a 4-litre flat 6 starting up. Curious, I lifted my eyelids ever so slightly to see what it was whilst levitating in the air but it was just Dick going off somewhere in his car.

"He's usually still asleep by now. It's 0630 in the morning." I muttered to myself before turning back to focus on my meditation After a few more hours up there, I went downstairs to brew myself a pot of herbal tea. To my surprise, Beast Boy and Cyborg were up. Beast Boy was watching TV whilst having breakfast and Cyborg was whipping up some pancakes for the team by the stove. They'd usually wake up late.

"Hey Rae." They greeted me when I entered the living room.

"Gar. Vic. You two are up early." I said heading to the cupboard and taking a container of tea leaves.

"Yeah Dick said there's going to be something important later so...." Cyborg replied me.

"Any idea what it is?"

"He didn't say. Hey. . .maybe Batman's coming over!" Beast Boy replied in excitement to which Cyborg just laughed.

"I highly doubt the Dark Knight would pay us a visit Beast Boy." Cyborg chuckled."

"A guy can dream alright." Beast Boy responded turning his attention back to the TV.

"Want some pancakes Rae?"  Cyborg asked holding up a plate stacked with pancakes, drizzled in maple syrup.

"Uhh, no thanks I'm good" I politely said, lifting my cup up.

"Where's Kori?"

"Ehh probably at the training floor."

I gave him a nod before heading back to my room. I sat on my bed as I began to read some books to keep me busy. I wonder what this ' important thing ' is . After reading for an hour or two, I decided to take a shower and get changed.

"Raven! Team meeting!"

Beast Boy shouted from the living room so I immediately got dressed in my usual black leggings with matching sweater and my navy cloak that I pretty much wear everyday. I stumbled into the living hall where everyone, Starfire, Beast Boy and Cyborg and was standing in a semi circle facing the doorway. I stood next to Cyborg and noticed everyone was anxiously waiting for the door to the elevator to open up. I figured Dick must have arrived which is why everyone was waiting. He's our leader even though he thinks that everyone in the team is an equal but the truth he already knows how to control his ability and skill.

The elevator door opened up. We all held in our breaths for this "important thing". Dick stepped out and paused before motioning someone to follow him. The person let out a heavy sigh before stepping out as well. The rest of team widen their eyes before getting into an attacking position. Cyborg's arms turned into plasma cannons and Starfire's hands began to harness her starblasts. Beast Boy and I on the other hand were clueless as to why they reacted that way. The figure looked familiar. He was wearing a red helmet, and a leather jacket on top of a hoodie. He seemed unfazed by the hostile reaction from the team even with Kory ready to blast her powers at him. Usually when Kori's hand begins to light up, people panic.

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